首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Geoarchaeology of defensive moats:its importance for site localization, evolution and formation process reconstruction of archaeological sites in NE Spain

Geoarchaeology of defensive moats:its importance for site localization, evolution and formation process reconstruction of archaeological sites in NE Spain


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A geoarchaeological methodology for studying defensive moats is proposed that localises and reconstructs the evolution and formation processes of archaeological sites in NE Spain. This paper analyses three cases. Firstly, a moat at Puig Pelegrí, an Iberian site (Second Iron Age) where little infill is preserved in the moat, and therefore, the materials removed and deposited when the moat was excavated are analysed. Secondly, the stratigraphy of the infill of a moat at Cabezo de la Cruz (a well preserved site from the First Iron Age) is examined. Thirdly, a moat at Carrassumada (a highly eroded site from the Iberian period in the Second Iron Age) is analysed. The results presented in this paper highlight the importance of sedimentary contexts for understanding human occupation in semi-arid regions.
机译:提出了一种研究防御性护城河的地球考古方法,以定位和重建西班牙东北部考古遗址的演变和形成过程。本文分析了三种情况。首先,在伊比利亚遗址(第二铁器时代)的PuigPelegrí的一条护城河上,护城河中几乎没有填充物,因此,分析了在挖掘护城河时去除和沉积的材料。其次,研究了Cabezo de la Cruz(第一铁器时代保存完好的遗址)护城河的地层。第三,分析了Carrassumada(第二铁器时代伊比利亚时期遭受严重侵蚀的遗址)的护城河。本文提出的结果强调了沉积环境对于理解半干旱地区人类占领的重要性。



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