首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Changes in regional organization and mobility in the Zuni region of the American Southwest during the Pueblo III and IV periods: insights from INAA studies

Changes in regional organization and mobility in the Zuni region of the American Southwest during the Pueblo III and IV periods: insights from INAA studies


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The transition from the late Pueblo III (AD 1200e1275) to Pueblo IV (AD 1275e1400) period marks one of the most dramatic eras of demographic and social upheaval in the American Southwest. At this time, much of the northern Southwest was depopulated as thousands of ancestral Pueblo people moved to new homelands. In the Zuni region, this transition included a residential shift from dispersed, largely household-scale settlements to massive, multi-storied pueblos housing hundreds of people and a simultaneous contraction of regional settlement to a central core along the Zuni River and its major tributaries. This article presents a synthesis of our recent independent efforts to utilize instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) to investigate changes in social interaction in the Zuni region before and after this transition. We suggest that in addition to significant local and regional settlement shifts, the Pueblo IIIeIV transition in the Zuni region was accompanied by a major reorganization of pottery distribution networks as clear social boundaries began to emerge between village clusters. More generally, our combined study also highlights the iterative nature of INAA data analysis, the benefits of large sample sizes, and the utility of a diachronic interpretative approach.
机译:从后期的普韦布洛三世(AD 1200e1275)过渡到普韦布洛四世(AD 1275e1400),标志着美国西南部人口和社会动荡最戏剧性的时代之一。此时,随着成千上万的普韦布洛祖先迁往新家园,西南部北部的大部分人口都已减少。在祖尼地区,这一过渡包括从分散的,主要是家庭规模的定居点向居住数百人的大规模,多层次的普韦布洛人的居住转变,以及区域居住点同时收缩到祖尼河及其主要支流的中央核心地带。本文介绍了我们最近在利用仪器中子活化分析(INAA)调查过渡之前和之后,祖尼地区社会互动变化方面所做的独立努力。我们建议,除了重要的地方和区域住区转移之外,祖尼地区的普韦布洛IIIeIV过渡还伴随着陶器分销网络的重大重组,因为村群之间开始出现清晰的社会界限。更广泛地说,我们的合并研究还强调了INAA数据分析的迭代性质,大样本量的好处以及历时性解释方法的实用性。



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