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The power of the pyre - A holistic study of cremation focusing on charcoal remains


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The pyre was an integral part of the ritual of cremation, yet the actual wood that fuelled pyres has rarely been investigated from Bronze Age sites. This research examines environmental results focusing on charcoal data from the largest Bronze Age cremation cemetery discovered in Ireland, Templenoe. A holistic approach combines charcoal, plant macrofossil, osteological and artefactual results to provide new insights into the cremation process in prehistory. It demonstrates that particular trees (oak, pomaceous fruitwood and ash) were selected over 600 years to fuel the cremation pyres at Templenoe, trends which are reflected regionally in both Ireland and Britain. Comparison of charcoal with osteological data suggests that the selection of wood did not reflect age or sex. Pyre material was consistently buried with the cremated bones in graves indicating the importance of the pyre itself in the overall cremation process. Empty funerary pits or possible "cenotaphs" contain the exact same wood taxa as the graves with bone, suggesting that it may be correct to interpret these as graves. It is possible that pyre material could have been buried as a proxy for the body. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:柴堆是火葬仪式不可或缺的一部分,但很少有人从青铜时代的遗址中调查过为柴堆供油的实际木材。这项研究着眼于环境结果,重点关注爱尔兰邓普尔(Templenoe)发现的最大的青铜时代火葬公墓的木炭数据。整体方法结合了木炭,植物化石,骨科和人工制品的结果,为史前的火化过程提供了新的见识。它表明,在600年中选择了特定的树木(橡树,果肉果树和白蜡木)来为Templenoe的火化堆加油,这种趋势在爱尔兰和英国都得到了地区性的体现。木炭与骨学数据的比较表明,木材的选择不能反映年龄或性别。用火葬的骨头将火葬材料始终埋在坟墓中,表明火柴本身在整个火化过程中的重要性。空的葬礼坑或可能的“纪念碑”包含与带有骨头的坟墓完全相同的木材分类单元,这表明将它们解释为坟墓是正确的。柴堆材料可能被掩埋为尸体的代用品。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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