首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Natron glass production and supply in the late antique and early medieval Near East: The effect of the Byzantine-Islamic transition

Natron glass production and supply in the late antique and early medieval Near East: The effect of the Byzantine-Islamic transition


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Palestine and Egypt supplied the Mediterranean and Europe with virtually all of its glass for most of the first millennium CE. While the Muslim conquest in the 7th century saw major political and economic adjustment, immediate changes to material culture appear to have been minimal. This paper examines the impact of the Byzantine-Islamic transition on the natron glass industry of Palestine from the 7th to 12th century. A series of 133 well-contextualised glass vessels from selected excavations in modern day Israel have been analysed for major, minor and trace elements using LA-ICP-MS. These glasses are assigned to previously established primary production groups, allowing the elucidation of the chronology of key changes in glass production in the region. Results indicate a relatively abrupt compositional change in the late 7th - early 8th centuries, covering the reforming reigns of al-Malik and al-Walid, which marks the end of "Byzantine" glass production and the establishment of the furnaces at Bet Eli'ezer. At about this time there was an influx of glass of an Egyptian composition. Production of Bet Eli'ezer type glass appears to have been limited to a short time span, less than 50 years, after which natron glass production in Palestine ceased. Plant ash glass is first encountered in the late 8th-early 9th century, probably as a result of reduced local natron glass production creating the conditions in which plant ash glass technology was adopted. Egypt continued to produce natron glass for up to a century after its demise in Palestine. It is reasoned that the change and then collapse in natron glass production in Palestine may well have been as a consequence of a reduction in the quantities of available natron. This affected Palestine first, and Egypt up to 100 years later, which suggests that the factors causing the reduction in natron supply originated at the source and were long terra and gradual, not short term events. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:巴勒斯坦和埃及在公元前千年的大部分时间里,向地中海和欧洲供应了几乎全部玻璃。尽管在7世纪对穆斯林的征服发生了重大的政治和经济调整,但物质文化的即时变化似乎微乎其微。本文研究了拜占庭-伊斯兰过渡时期对7至12世纪巴勒斯坦的中子玻璃工业的影响。使用LA-ICP-MS分析了以色列现代特定挖掘活动中的133具相关背景的玻璃容器中的主要,次要和痕量元素。这些玻璃被分配给先前建立的主要生产组,从而可以阐明该地区玻璃生产中关键变化的时间顺序。结果表明,在7世纪末-8世纪初,成分变化相对突然,涵盖了al-Malik和al-Walid的改革时期,这标志着“拜占庭”玻璃生产的结束以及贝特埃利泽(Bet Eli'ezer)熔炉的建立。大约在这个时候,涌入了埃及成分的玻璃杯。 Bet Eli'ezer型玻璃的生产似乎仅限于短于50年的时间,此后巴勒斯坦的中子玻璃生产就停止了。植物灰烬玻璃最早是在8世纪末至9世纪初遇到的,这可能是由于当地的钠玻璃产量减少所致,这为采用植物灰烬玻璃技术创造了条件。埃及在巴勒斯坦灭亡后的一个多世纪里,它仍继续生产中子玻璃。有理由认为,巴勒斯坦的中子玻璃生产发生变化,然后崩溃,这很可能是可利用的中子数量减少的结果。这首先影响了巴勒斯坦,并影响了埃及长达100年,这表明造成natron供应减少的因素起源于源头,是长期的土地和渐进性事件,而不是短期事件。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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