首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >How heat alters underlying deposits and implications for archaeological fire features: A controlled experiment

How heat alters underlying deposits and implications for archaeological fire features: A controlled experiment


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While it is true that the use of fire is undoubtedly an important behavioral trait, fire can also leave important traces in archaeological deposits, including altering previously deposited sediments and artifacts. The set of controlled experiments reported here do not focus on fire per se, but rather on the effects of some of the most important variables underlying the transfer of heat to subsurface sediments. These variables, including temperature, duration, sediment type, moisture, and mineralogy, are altered here in ways that essentially bracket the range of conditions under which past fires may have existed. The results show that sediments as much as 10 cm directly below a heat source routinely reach temperatures of 200 degrees C, with higher temperatures and greater depth of heat transfer possible with longer durations or higher surface temperatures. One of the implications of these results is that a surface can produce substantial thermal-alterations of archaeological artifacts and sediments deposited much earlier in the sequence. Likewise, there are significant implications for the analyses and chronometric dating of thermally altered sediments and burned artifacts. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:无疑,使用火无疑是重要的行为特征,但是火也可能在考古沉积物中留下重要痕迹,包括改变先前沉积的沉积物和人工制品。此处报道的一组受控实验本身并不着眼于火灾,而是着重于将热量转移至地下沉积物的一些最重要变量的影响。这些变量,包括温度,持续时间,沉积物类型,湿度和矿物学,在这里被改变了,其方式基本上是对过去火灾可能存在的条件范围进行了分类。结果表明,在热源正下方10厘米处的沉积物通常会达到200摄氏度的温度,在更长的持续时间或更高的地表温度下,更高的温度和更大的传热深度是可能的。这些结果的含意之一是,表面会产生大量的热热变化,使考古文物和沉积物的沉积早于序列。同样,对于热蚀变的沉积物和燃烧的人工产物的分析和年代测年也有重要意义。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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