首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >A Bayesian AMS ~(14)C chronology of the Classic Maya Center of Uxbenka, Belize

A Bayesian AMS ~(14)C chronology of the Classic Maya Center of Uxbenka, Belize


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Archaeologists require precise chronologies of cultural change to understand the nature and timing, and causes and effects, of ecological and social transformations. The Uxbenká Archaeological Project (UAP) has made chronology building a main goal, employing epigraphic data, artifact seriation, and highprecision AMS ~(14)C dating. With more than 60 ~(14)C dates with measurement errors below ±25 ~(14)C yr, primarily on single charcoal specimens, Uxbenka may be the most intensively dated Classic Period site in the tropical Maya Lowlands. Here we take the next step, combining this rich chronometric dataset with associated stratigraphic information in OxCal’s Bayesian framework to generate a high-resolution chronology of Uxbenká’s early development and expansion in southern Belize. We show how archaeologists may take advantage of complex architectural stratigraphy to constrain broad calibrated ranges during the Classic Period, and to estimate dates for observed construction events that can not be directly dated (e.g., clearing/leveling plazas, laying plaster floors, renovating/rebuilding structural elements). Our analysis confirms the antiquity of the ceremonial Stela Plaza (Group A), where first construction is estimated between 60 cal BC and cal AD 220 and is associated with a Pre-Classic structure obscured by later construction and reorientation of the group to a N-S alignment ca. AD 150-310. The analysis also indicates initial leveling and construction at plaza Group B from cal AD 60-310 and Group D from cal AD 20-240, both earlier than previously assumed. Though Late Classic contexts are not as well represented by direct dates, architectural modifications are documented at all three plaza groups after AD 550, including the extensive plastering, laying paving stones, and construction of facades on existing structures. The resulting chronology revises our previous thinking on the mode of settlement and development of Classic Maya society at Uxbenka and indicates specific areas of investigation to elucidate events in the Late and Terminal Classic at the site, including political and social fragmentation and the abandonment of the urban core late in the Classic Period.
机译:考古学家需要精确的文化变化时间表,以了解生态和社会转型的性质和时机,以及因果关系。 Uxbenká考古项目(UAP)已将年代学建立为主要目标,它利用了人口统计学数据,伪影序列和高精度的AMS〜(14)C年代。 Uxbenka的日期超过60〜(14)C,测量误差低于±25〜(14)C yr,主要是在单个木炭标本上,它可能是热带玛雅低地中日期最密集的古典时期遗址。在这里,我们采取下一步行动,将这个丰富的计时数据集与OxCal贝叶斯框架中的相关地层信息相结合,以生成高分辨率的乌克班卡州伯利兹南部早期开发和扩张的年表。我们展示了考古学家如何利用复杂的建筑地层学来限制经典时期的广泛校准范围,并估计无法直接注明日期的观测建筑事件的日期(例如,清理/整平广场,铺设石膏地板,翻新/重建)结构元素)。我们的分析证实了礼节性的Stela Plaza(A组)的悠久历史,该建筑的首个建筑估计在公元前60年至AD 220年之间,并且与后来被该建筑的重新构造和重新定向为NS定位所掩盖的Pre-Classic结构相关联ca.公元150-310年。分析还表明,早于假定的时间,早于AD 60-310的B组和AD 20-240的D组广场的初始找平和施工。尽管晚期经典的环境并不能直接用日期来表示,但是在公元550年以后所有三个广场组都记录了建筑修改,包括广泛的抹灰,铺路石和在现有结构上建造外墙。由此产生的年代顺序改变了我们先前对乌本贝卡(Uxbenka)经典玛雅社会的解决和发展模式的思考,并指出了具体的调查领域,以阐明该地点后期和末期经典的事件,包括政治和社会分裂以及城市遗弃。核心是古典时期后期。



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