首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >3D reality-based artefact models for the management of archaeological sites using 3D Gis: a framework starting from the case study of the Pompeii Archaeological area

3D reality-based artefact models for the management of archaeological sites using 3D Gis: a framework starting from the case study of the Pompeii Archaeological area

机译:基于3D现实的人工模型,用于使用3D Gis管理考古遗址:从庞贝考古区的案例研究开始的框架

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This work describes the procedures, the different techniques and the pipeline used for creating a digital framework that should assist the Superintendence of Pompeii in the digital reconstruction, classification, management and visualisation of archaeological finds inside an advanced 3D web-based repository of reality-based data. Specific topics have been focused on the quality assessment procedures adopted to ensure consistency and reliability of data throughout the whole 3D models acquisition and pipeline creation, as well as on the particular semantic reality-based structure adopted to develop an information system into a knowledge one. The main purposes of our framework have been the usage of 3D digital models as a restitution of the real object and as a metaphor for navigating through the data; 3D models were used as archaeological cognitive systems and developed as a collection of structured objects, identified through a precise terminology that allows to easily extend the concept of 2D GIS to 3D GIS. In addition, the system was developed as a scalable application that allows the use of the same database by different users, simply filtering the data according to the specific requirements, and can operate both as standalone and web-based application.
机译:这项工作描述了用于创建数字框架的程序,不同的技术和管道,这些框架应有助于庞贝监督在基于现实的高级基于3D网络的数据库中对考古发现进行数字重建,分类,管理和可视化数据。具体主题集中在为确保整个3D模型获取和管道创建过程中数据的一致性和可靠性而采用的质量评估程序,以及为将信息系统开发为知识系统而采用的基于语义现实的特定结构。我们框架的主要目的是使用3D数字模型作为对真实对象的复原和作为在数据中浏览的隐喻; 3D模型被用作考古认知系统,并被开发为结构化对象的集合,这些对象通过精确的术语进行识别,从而可以轻松地将2D GIS的概念扩展到3D GIS。此外,该系统被开发为可扩展的应用程序,允许不同的用户使用同一数据库,仅根据特定要求过滤数据,并且可以作为独立应用程序和基于Web的应用程序运行。



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