首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Chemical analysis of 17th century Millefiori glasses excavated in the Monastery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha, Portugal: comparison with Venetian and facon-de-Venise production

Chemical analysis of 17th century Millefiori glasses excavated in the Monastery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha, Portugal: comparison with Venetian and facon-de-Venise production


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A set of ten Millefiori glass fragments dating from the 17th century, originated from archaeological excavations carried out at the Monastery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha (Coimbra, Portugal), were characterized by X-ray electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), Raman microscopy and UVeVisible absorption spectroscopy. All glasses are of soda-lime-silica type. The use of coastal plant ash is suggested by the relatively high content of MgO, K_2O and P_2O_5, as well as by the presence of chlorine. Tin oxide or calcium antimonate were the opacifiers used in the opaque glasses, cobalt in the blue glasses, copper in the turquoise glasses, iron in the yellow and greenish glasses, and iron and copper were found in the opaque red and aventurine glasses. Based on the concentrations of alumina and silica four different sources of silica were identified, allowing the classification of the glasses into the following compositional groups: low alumina (<2 wt%), which includes a sub-group of cristallo samples with SiO_2 > 70 wt%, medium alumina (2-3 wt %), high alumina (3e6 wt%) and very high alumina (>6 wt%). Comparison with genuine Venetian and facon-de-Venise compositions showed that two fragments are of Venetian production, one of Venetian or Spanish production and the remaining are of unknown provenance. In two fragments the glass of the decoration is probably Venetian or Spanish but the glass used in the body is also of unknown provenance.
机译:一组十个可追溯到17世纪的Millefiori玻璃碎片,源自在Sta修道院进行的考古发掘。 Clara-a-Velha(葡萄牙科英布拉)通过X射线电子探针显微分析(EPMA),拉曼显微镜和紫外可见吸收光谱法进行了表征。所有玻璃均为钠钙硅石类型。 MgO,K_2O和P_2O_5含量较高以及存在氯表明使用沿海植物灰。氧化锡或锑酸钙是不透明玻璃中使用的遮光剂,蓝色玻璃中使用钴,蓝绿色玻璃中使用铜,黄色和绿色玻璃中使用铁,红色和金星玻璃中使用铁和铜。根据氧化铝和二氧化硅的浓度,确定了四种不同的二氧化硅来源,从而可将玻璃分为以下成分组:低氧化铝(<2 wt%),其中包括SiO_2> 70的cristallo样品的子组重量%,中等氧化铝(2-3重量%),高氧化铝(3e6重量%)和非常高的氧化铝(> 6重量%)。与真正的威尼斯人和facon-de-Venise作品的比较表明,有两个片段是威尼斯人生产的,一个是威尼斯人或西班牙人的生产,其余的来源不明。装饰玻璃分为两部分,可能是威尼斯人或西班牙人,但用于人体的玻璃也没有出处。



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