首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >A re-assessment of Basketmaker II cave 7: massacre site or cemetery context

A re-assessment of Basketmaker II cave 7: massacre site or cemetery context


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Our ongoing investigation of early maize farming in the American Southwest has entailed stable isotope analysis and accelerator radiocarbon dating of Basketmaker II remains from sites in the Four Corners region. Here we report radiocarbon dates on a large mortuary assemblage excavated by Richard Wetherill in 1893 from a burial cave in southeastern Utah. It has long been thought that all individuals interred in Cave 7 were massacred in a single violent attack given embedded projectiles and evidence for blunt force trauma. However, accelerator radiocarbon dates on purified bone collagen (n = 96) do not lend strong support to this argument, even among the subset of individuals with clear evidence for violent injuries. Moreover, nearly 80% of Cave 7 burials examined in the study show no evidence of perimortem trauma and no adult females or subadults under the age of 12 appear to have suffered violent deaths. Rather than an anomalous single-event massacre, the Cave 7 radiocarbon dataset suggests that raiding and intragroup, male/male violence was episodic among Basketmaker groups in southeastern Utah. Population densities were relatively high and individuals interred in Cave 7 and elsewhere in the region were heavily dependent on maize agriculture, a prehistoric economic strategy typically characterized by high amplitude fluctuations in productivity. Variability in the array of grave goods accompanying Cave 7 male burials and elsewhere suggests competitive social differentiation likely heightened during periods of resource shortfall leading to intra-group conflict, raiding and perhaps ritualized acts of violence.
机译:我们正在对美国西南部的早期玉米种植进行调查,这需要进行稳定的同位素分析,并需要对“四个角落”地区的“篮筐制造者II”残骸进行加速器放射性碳定年。在这里,我们报告了理查德·韦瑟里尔(Richard Wetherill)于1893年从犹他州东南部的一个洞穴中挖掘出的一个大型葬活动中的放射性碳年代。长期以来,人们一直认为,在埋有弹丸并有钝器受力的证据下,所有被困在第7窟中的人都在一次暴力袭击中被杀。但是,即使有明确证据表明有暴力伤害的个体子集中,纯化的骨胶原上的加速剂放射性碳日期(n = 96)也不能为这种观点提供有力的支持。此外,在研究中检查的第7窟第7号墓葬中,没有证据显示尸体受到外伤,也没有12岁以下的成年女性或亚成人遭受暴力死亡。洞穴7的放射性碳数据集并非是一次异常的单事件大屠杀,而是表明袭击和小组内部的男性/男性暴力在犹他州东南部的篮筐者群体中是偶发性的。人口密度相对较高,被困在第7窟和该地区其他地区的人在很大程度上依赖于玉米农业,这是史前的经济战略,通常特征在于生产力的大幅波动。伴随着第7窟男性墓葬和其他地方的一系列严重坟墓的可变性表明,在资源短缺期间,导致群体内部冲突,突袭和例行暴力行为的竞争性社会分化可能会加剧。



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