首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Evidence for indigenous strip-drawing in production of wire at Mapungubwe Hill (1220-1290 AD): towards an interdisciplinary approach

Evidence for indigenous strip-drawing in production of wire at Mapungubwe Hill (1220-1290 AD): towards an interdisciplinary approach

机译:Mapungubwe Hill(公元1220-1290年)生产线材时本地拉丝的证据:采用跨学科方法

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Several cupreous conical tubes with unclear function are among some of the finds in the collections heldat the University of Pretoria which were unearthed by archaeologists on Mapungubwe Hill. Most of theseare poorly provenanced, particularly those connected with the activities of Guy Gardner (1935-1940)regarding the waste in northern dump. However, a redetermination of the context following the excavationsof the 1970s suggests the funnels date to the period of the rise and development of Mapungubweas a town and centre of a powerful state. The results from neutron tomography, stereomicroscope and SEM-EDS indicate that the tubes were most probably used in iron strip-drawing to produce wire.
机译:在比勒陀利亚大学收藏的一些发现中,有几个功能不清楚的铜锥形管,这些发现是由Mapungubwe Hill的考古学家发掘的。这些垃圾中大多数都出处不佳,特别是那些与盖伊·加德纳(Guy Gardner,1935-1940)的活动有关的北部垃圾场。然而,在1970年代的发掘之后重新确定了背景,这表明该漏斗可以追溯到Mapungubweas的崛起和发展时期,这是一个强大的州镇和中心。中子断层扫描,体视显微镜和SEM-EDS的结果表明,这些管最有可能用于拉丝生产线材。



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