首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Stone Age midden deposition assessed by bivalve sclerochronology and radiocarbon wiggle-matching of Arctica islandica shell increments

Stone Age midden deposition assessed by bivalve sclerochronology and radiocarbon wiggle-matching of Arctica islandica shell increments

机译:通过双壳类年代学和Arctica islandica壳增量的放射性碳摆动匹配评估的石器时代中期沉积

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Sclerochronology, the study of the skeletal diaries of mollusks and corals, is a high-resolution geochronological tool of versatile usage in archaeology and paleontology with increasingly growing opportunities. Much of the recent efforts have concentrated on building multi-centennial bivalve growth records using annually deposited increments in the Holocene shells, comparable to tree-ring chronol-ogies. In the context of geoarchaeology, the hitherto unachieved potential includes the application of sclerochronology to reconstruct long-term settlement histories. Here we contribute to both of these critical issues by presenting the first multi-shell sclerochronology constrained by methods originally developed in tree-ring research, using anthropogenically deposited bivalve shells of Arctica islandica excavated from a Stone Age midden in North Norway. Our systematic chronological approach to shell growth histories lays the foundation for a multi-dimensional dating framework that interacts between the incremental, radioisotopic and stratigraphic evidence. We show how the crossdating within and between the single-shell records yields a 155-year multi-shell sclerochronology, supported by the ~(14)C AMS dates, that demonstrates minimum midden accumulation of 82 years and a depositional rate of 0.3 cm/yr. Sclerochronology paves the way for radiocarbon wiggle-matching, which narrows the prob-abilistic 2-σ uncertainty range for the oldest and youngest ~(14)C AMS dates to 3150-2980 and 3060-2890 BC, respectively. We attribute the spectral characteristics of the chronology primarily to the North Atlantic Oscillation, suggesting essentially similar influences of climate variability on the Stone Age culture and our own society.
机译:硬化年代学是对软体动物和珊瑚骨骼日记的研究,是一种高分辨率的年代学工具,在考古学和古生物学中具有广泛的用途,并且机会越来越多。最近的许多努力都集中在建立全新世纪双壳类动物的生长记录上,该记录使用的是全新世贝壳中每年沉积的增量,这与树木年轮年代学相当。在地球考古学的背景下,迄今为止尚未实现的潜力包括利用年代学重建长期的定居历史。在这里,我们介绍了第一个多壳硬化年代学,这是由树环研究中最初开发的方法所限制的,这是第一个多壳年代学,它使用了人为沉积的北极北极双壳贝壳,它们是从挪威北部一个石器时代出土的。我们对壳生长历史的系统时间排序方法为多维测年框架奠定了基础,该框架在增量,放射性同位素和地层证据之间相互作用。我们展示了在单壳记录之间和之间的交叉如何产生由〜(14)C AMS数据支持的155年多壳年代学,它显示了82年的最小中度累积和0.3 cm /的沉积速率。年。年代记学为放射性碳摆动匹配铺平了道路,这使最老和最年轻的〜(14)C AMS分别于3150-2980和3060-2890 BC的概率2-σ不确定性范围变窄。我们将年代学的光谱特征主要归因于北大西洋涛动,这表明气候变化对石器时代文化和我们自己的社会具有基本相似的影响。



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