首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Archaeological Science >Geochemistry of sauceboats excavated from Independence National Historical Park (Philadelphia): evidence for a Bonnin and Morris (c. 1770e73) provenance and implications for the development of nascent American porcelain wares

Geochemistry of sauceboats excavated from Independence National Historical Park (Philadelphia): evidence for a Bonnin and Morris (c. 1770e73) provenance and implications for the development of nascent American porcelain wares


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Porcelain sauceboats excavated from a privy with a late 18th century (1786 or later) context at Independence National Historical Park (INHP) are anomalously Al-rich compared with previously analysed Anglo-American sulphurous phosphatic wares. Apart from their S content, they are most similar to phosphatic W~m Reid porcelain (Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, c. 1755-67, and its branch at Shelton, Staffordshire) in terms of their major element constituents, but they contain heavy minerals (e.g., TiO_2 polymorphs) and in this regard resemble a dated (1773) silicious-aluminous-calcic (S-A-C) Bonnin and Morris porcelain (Philadelphia) openwork porcelain basket. In terms of morphology and composition, some TiO_2 polymorphs in the 1773 basket match those from clay from White Clay Creek, Delaware, a resource reputedly exploited by Bonnin and Morris. Their high Nb/Cr ratios indicate derivation from a metapelitic (or granitic pegmatite) source. So too do some from the INHP sauceboats, although others are chrome-rich (~1% Cr_2O_3), indicating a mafic source. The bedrock beneath White Clay Creek includes metasediments, granitic pegmatite, and metabasites (e.g., of the Wissahickon Formation), pointing to a local source for the TiO_2 polymorphs in the porcelains described here. Although the evidence for a Bonnin and Morris provenance for the INHP sauceboats is circumstantial, their enrichment in heavy minerals, unusual - perhaps experimental - compositions, and aesthetic characteristics nonetheless suggest a Philadelphia origin for these artifacts. The compositions of 18th century Philadelphia porcelain support the contention that knowledge of phosphatic and S-A-C pastes originating in London was transferred first to Staffordshire and Liverpool, and then to Philadelphia, perhaps via a potter by the name of Wm Ball.
机译:与先前分析过的英美硫磷产品相比,在独立国家历史公园(INHP)的18世纪后期(1786年或更晚)从一个私人处挖掘出的瓷碟船富含铝。除了其S含量外,就主要元素成分而言,它们与磷化W-m Reid瓷(布朗霍山,利物浦,约1755-67年,及其在斯塔福德郡谢尔顿的分支)最相似,但它们含有重矿物。 (例如TiO_2多晶型物),在这一点上类似于(1773年)硅铝钙(SAC)波宁和莫里斯瓷(费城)镂空瓷篮。在形态和组成方面,1773篮子中的一些TiO_2多晶型物与特拉华州White Clay Creek的粘土中的那些相匹配,Bonnin和Morris认为这是一种资源。它们的高Nb / Cr比值表明其来自变质岩(或花岗岩伟晶岩)来源。 INHP调味锅也是如此,尽管其他一些富含铬(约1%Cr_2O_3),表明镁铁质来源。 White Clay Creek下的基岩包括变质沉积物,花岗伟晶岩和变质岩(例如Wissahickon组),指向此处描述的TiO_2多晶型物的本地来源。尽管关于INHP酱汁船的波恩和莫里斯出处的证据是间接的,但它们富含重矿物,不寻常的(也许是实验性的)成分和美学特征仍然暗示了这些人工制品的费城起源。 18世纪费城瓷器的成分支持这样一种论点,即起源于伦敦的磷酸盐和S-A-C糊状物的知识首先转移到了斯塔福德郡和利物浦,然后又转移到了费城,也许是通过一个名为Wm Ball的陶工。



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