首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Entomology >Traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid attract both sexes of Hedya nubiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

Traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid attract both sexes of Hedya nubiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

机译:用梨酸酯和乙酸诱集的诱集吸引了Hedya nubiferana(鳞翅目:Tor科)的两性。

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This study was initiated with the objective of studying field responses of the green budworm moth, Hedya nubiferana (Haworth) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), to pear ester [PE; ethyl (E, Z)-2,4-decadienoate] and acetic acid (AA) with the aim of developing a lure attractive also for females. In the overwhelming majority of tests, traps baited with the PEAA lure (the combination of both PE and AA) caught more than traps baited with either of the constituents presented alone. PEAA lures were attractive to H. nubiferana no matter whether the two compounds were provided in separate dispensers or mixed together in a single one, and a large percentage (up to 71%) of trap catch consisted of females. Traps with PEAA lures caught (females plus males) on an average 30% of the catches in traps baited with the synthetic green budworm moth sex pheromone (only males). This suggested that the new PEAA lure had a trapping performance comparable with that of pheromone traps, which latter are used by farmers today. Consequently, the PEAA lure showed potential for future practical applications as a female-targeted lure for H. nubiferana. To our knowledge, this is the first well-documented report on the attraction of PEAA lure for a tortricid species other than codling moth.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究田间绿芽蛾蛾Hedya nubiferana(Haworth)(鳞翅目:Tor科)对梨酸酯的反应。 (E,Z)-2,4-癸二烯酸乙酯]和乙酸(AA)的目的也是为了吸引女性。在绝大多数测试中,用PEAA诱饵诱集的诱捕器(PE和AA的组合)捕获的诱饵比单独使用任一成分诱饵的诱捕器捕获的更多。不管这两种化合物是在单独的分配器中提供,还是在单个分配器中混合在一起,PEAA诱剂都对钩端螺旋体很有吸引力,而且诱捕装置中有很大一部分(雌虫)由雌性组成。带有PEAA诱集的诱饵(雌性和雄性)平均捕获诱饵的30%,诱饵的诱饵是用合成的绿色bud虫蛾性信息素诱捕的(仅雄性)。这表明,新的PEAA诱饵的诱捕性能可与信息素诱捕器媲美,后者如今已被农民使用。因此,PEAA诱剂作为一种针对女性的诱饵,可用于未来的实际应用。据我们所知,这是第一个有据可查的报告,显示PEAA诱饵对除co蛾以外的其他杀虫物种具有吸引力。



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