首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry >Characteristic Fingerprint Based on Low Polar Constituents for Discrimination of Wolfiporia extensa according to Geographical Origin Using UV Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Methods

Characteristic Fingerprint Based on Low Polar Constituents for Discrimination of Wolfiporia extensa according to Geographical Origin Using UV Spectroscopy and Chemometrics Methods


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The fungus species Wolfiporia extensa has a long history of medicinal usage and has also been commercially used to formulate nutraceuticals and functional foods in certain Asian countries. In the present study, a practical and promising method has been developed to discriminate the dried sclerotium of . extensa collected from different geographical sites based on UV spectroscopy together with chemometrics methods. Characteristic fingerprint of low polar constituents of sample extracts that originated from chloroform has been obtained in the interval 250-400 nm. Chemometric pattern recognition methods such as partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) were applied to enhance the authenticity of discrimination of the specimens. The results showed that W. extensa samples were well classified according to their geographical origins. The proposed method can fully utilize diversified fingerprint characteristics of sclerotium of W. extensa and requires low-cost equipment and short-time analysis in comparison with other techniques. Meanwhile, this simple and efficient method may serve as a basis for the authentication of other medicinal fungi.
机译:延伸性真菌种类具有悠久的药用历史,并且在某些亚洲国家/地区也已被商业用于配制保健食品和功能食品。在本研究中,已经开发出一种实用且有前途的方法来区分干的菌核。基于紫外光谱和化学计量学方法从不同地理位置收集的样本扩展。在250-400 nm范围内获得了源自氯仿的样品提取物的低极性成分的特征指纹。化学计量学模式识别方法,例如偏最小二乘判别分析(PLS-DA)和层次聚类分析(HCA),用于增强标本辨别的真实性。结果表明,根据其地理起源,可对W. extensa样本进行很好的分类。与其他技术相比,该方法可以充分利用延性菌核的多样化指纹特征,并且需要廉价的设备和短时间的分析。同时,这种简单有效的方法可以作为其他药用真菌认证的基础。



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