首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Anthropological Research >The moral economy of water reexamined: Reciprocity, water insecurity, and urban survival in Cochabamba, Bolivia

The moral economy of water reexamined: Reciprocity, water insecurity, and urban survival in Cochabamba, Bolivia


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Recent debates have questioned whether reciprocity constitutes a threatened form of social insurance or a nascent and promising pathway toward development. This debate is of vital importance for understanding how the urban poor survive in the face of subsistence challenges that are likely to intensify in the future. In this article, I present an in-depth analysis of reciprocal exchanges of water in a water-scarce squatter settlement in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Drawing on qualitative and quantitative analyses, I demonstrate (1) how reciprocal exchanges of water are conducted in an urban setting; (2) that these water exchanges conform to a social insurance model of reciprocity; and (3) that such reciprocal exchanges are consistent with the moral economy of water documented elsewhere in the Andes. I conclude that reciprocity, while capable of safeguarding subsistence, is not a solution for people whose survival is continually threatened by larger political and economic forces that create water insecurity, resource inequity, and social exclusion among the urban poor.
机译:最近的辩论质疑互惠是构成一种威胁的社会保险形式还是新生的,有希望的发展道路。这场辩论对于了解面对未来可能加剧的生存挑战的城市穷人如何生存至关重要。在本文中,我将对玻利维亚科恰班巴(Cochabamba)缺水的棚户区中水的相互交换进行深入分析。利用定性和定量分析,我证明(1)在城市环境中如何进行相互的水交换; (2)这些水交换符合互惠的社会保险模式; (3)这种相互交换与安第斯山脉其他地方记载的水的道德经济相一致。我的结论是,互惠尽管能够保障生存,但对于那些生存问题不断受到更大的政治和经济力量威胁的人来说,这并不是解决方案,这些力量在城市贫困人口中造成了水资源不安全,资源不平等和社会排斥。



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