首页> 外文期刊>Japanese circulation journal >Uncommon atrial flutter originating in the left atrioventricular groove: emergence after successful catheter ablation for a left concealed accessory pathway.

Uncommon atrial flutter originating in the left atrioventricular groove: emergence after successful catheter ablation for a left concealed accessory pathway.


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This report describes a 49-year-old male with concealed Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in whom a true uncommon atrial flutter suddenly emerged 2 weeks after successful catheter ablation of a left-sided accessory pathway. The earliest atrial activation during the atrial flutter was recorded at the posterolateral mitral annulus 2 cm proximal to the previous successful ablation site for the accessory pathway. Two applications of radiofrequency (RF) current directed at the supravalvular mitral annulus could not terminate the atrial flutter. A subsequent delivery of RF current directed at the subvalvular annulus, where a local fragmented potential preceded the earliest atrial activation, eliminated the atrial flutter.
机译:该报告描述了一名49岁男性,患有隐性Wolff-Parkinson-White综合征,其中在导管成功消融左侧附件通路2周后,突然出现真正的罕见房扑。房扑期间最早的房颤激活记录在距先前成功的辅助消融部位近端2 cm的后外侧二尖瓣环上。指向二尖瓣上瓣环的射频(RF)电流的两种应用无法终止房扑。随后,针对心房瓣膜环的射频电流的传递消除了心房扑动,其中最早的心房激活发生了局部破碎电位。



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