首页> 外文期刊>Journal of advanced nursing >Perceptions of conscience, stress of conscience and burnout among nursing staff in residential elder care.

Perceptions of conscience, stress of conscience and burnout among nursing staff in residential elder care.


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AIM: This paper is a report of a study of patterns of perceptions of conscience, stress of conscience and burnout in relation to occupational belonging among Registered Nurses and nursing assistants in municipal residential care of older people. BACKGROUND: Stress and burnout among healthcare personnel and experiences of ethical difficulties are associated with troubled conscience. In elder care the experience of a troubled conscience seems to be connected to occupational role, but little is known about how Registered Nurses and nursing assistants perceive their conscience, stress of conscience and burnout. METHOD: Results of previous analyses of data collected in 2003, where 50 Registered Nurses and 96 nursing assistants completed the Perceptions of Conscience Questionnaire, Stress of Conscience Questionnaire and Maslach Burnout Inventory, led to a request for further analysis. In this study Partial Least Square Regression was used to detect statistical predictive patterns. RESULT: Perceptions of conscience and stress of conscience explained 41.9% of the variance in occupational belonging. A statistical predictive pattern for Registered Nurses was stress of conscience in relation to falling short of expectations and demands and to perception of conscience as demanding sensitivity. A statistical predictive pattern for nursing assistants was perceptions that conscience is an authority and an asset in their work. Burnout did not contribute to the explained variance in occupational belonging. CONCLUSION: Both occupational groups viewed conscience as an asset and not a burden. Registered Nurses seemed to exhibit sensitivity to expectations and demands and nursing assistants used their conscience as a source of guidance in their work. Structured group supervision with personnel from different occupations is needed so that staff can gain better understanding about their own occupational situation as well as the situation of other occupational groups.
机译:目的:本文是对注册护士和老年人在城市居家护理中的助理人员的职业归属感,良心压力,倦怠感和倦怠模式进行研究的报告。背景:医护人员的压力和倦怠以及道德困难的经历与困扰良心有关。在老年护理中,良心不佳的经历似乎与职业角色有关,但对注册护士和护理助手如何看清自己的良心,良心压力和倦怠感知之甚少。方法:以前对2003年收集的数据进行分析的结果,其中50名注册护士和96名护理助理完成了《良心问卷调查》,《良心问卷压力》和《 Maslach倦怠量表》,因此需要进行进一步分析。在这项研究中,偏最小二乘回归用于检测统计预测模式。结果:良知的感知和良知的压力解释了41.9%的职业归属差异。注册护士的统计预测模式是与未达到期望和要求有关的良心压力,以及将良知感知为苛刻的敏感性。护理助理的统计预测模式是认为良心是工作中的权威和资产。倦怠并不能解释职业归属的差异。结论:两个职业团体都将良心视为一种资产而不是负担。注册护士似乎表现出对期望和要求的敏感性,并且护理助手会以自己的良心为工作提供指导。需要由来自不同职业的人员进行有组织的团队监督,以便员工可以更好地了解自己的职业状况以及其他职业群体的状况。



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