首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Feeding flaxseed in grass hay and barley silage diets to beef cows increases alpha-linolenic acid and its biohydrogenation intermediates in subcutaneous fat.

Feeding flaxseed in grass hay and barley silage diets to beef cows increases alpha-linolenic acid and its biohydrogenation intermediates in subcutaneous fat.


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The objective of the study was to determine temporal fat deposition and fatty acid profiles in beef cows fed hay- or barley silage-based diets, with or without flaxseed. Crossbred cull beef cows (n = 64, >30 mo of age, 620 +or- 5 kg) were removed from grassland pastures, randomly assigned to 16 pens, and given ad libitum access to 50:50 (wt/wt, DM basis) forage:concentrate diets containing 0 or 15% ground flaxseed (DM basis, 5.2% added fat). Diets consisted of hay control (HC), hay+flaxseed (HF), barley silage control (SC), and silage+flaxseed (SF). Backfat biopsies were obtained from each cow at 0, 6, and 12 wk, and at slaughter (approximately 20 wk) to assess fatty acid composition. With the exception of feed efficiency, flaxseed x forage interactions were not significant for backfat accumulation or performance parameters. Flaxseed improved (P < 0.01) feed conversion when supplemented to hay-based diet and increased ADG (P = 0.03), resulting in a heavier (P = 0.02) BW. Compared with hay, barley silage increased (P < 0.01) DMI, ADG, and feed efficiency. Subcutaneous fat contained 0.68% n-3 fatty acids at wk 0, and reached 0.68, 0.81, and 0.94% in HF cows after 6, 12, and 20 wk, respectively (Yn-3 = 0.0133X + 0.6491, r = 0.87). It was 0.67% at wk 0, and reached 0.65, 0.77, and 0.90% in SF cows after 6, 12, and 20 wk, respectively (Yn-3 = 0.0121X + 0.6349, r = 0.75). In contrast, weight percentage of n-3 fatty acids decreased in HC cows from 0.63, 0.50, and 0.47, to 0.43%, and in SC cows from 0.63, 0.40, and 0.36, to 0.33% over the 20 wk. A forage x flaxseed interaction (P < 0.05) occurred for many of the alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) biohydrogenation intermediates, including vaccenic acid (C18:1 trans-11) and CLA (combined C18:2 trans-7,cis-9 and cis-9,trans-11) in plasma, and in subcutaneous fat this also included non-CLA dienes. Concentrations of most alpha-linolenic acid biohydrogenation intermediates were greater when feeding flaxseed with hay. In conclusion, forage source altered plasma concentrations and rate of accumulation of ALA biohydrogenation products in subcutaneous fat from beef cows fed flaxseed. Factors responsible for this response are yet to be defined, but may include forage-mediated changes in ruminal biohydrogenation of ALA, as well as alterations in fatty acid metabolism and deposition. copyright American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved.
机译:该研究的目的是确定饲喂以干草或大麦青贮饲料为基础的饮食(含或不含亚麻籽)的肉牛的暂时脂肪沉积和脂肪酸谱。从草地牧场上移交杂种剔除肉牛(n = 64,年龄> 30 mo,620±5 kg),随机分配给16头,随意取食50:50 (wt / wt,DM基准)牧草:浓缩饮食,含0或15%的亚麻籽粉(DM基准,添加5.2%的脂肪)。日粮包括干草控制(HC),干草+亚麻籽(HF),大麦青贮饲料控制(SC)和青贮+亚麻籽(SF)。从每头母牛在0、6和12周以及屠宰时(约20周)获得背脂活检,以评估脂肪酸组成。除饲料效率外,亚麻籽x饲用饲料的相互作用对背脂积累或性能参数影响不大。补充以干草为基础的日粮,亚麻籽改善了饲料转化率( P <0.01),ADG增加( P = 0.03),从而导致饲料重( P = 0.02)体重。与干草相比,大麦青贮饲料提高了DMI,ADG和饲料效率( P <0.01)。皮下脂肪在0周时含有0.68%的n-3脂肪酸,在6周,12周和20周时,HF奶牛的皮下脂肪分别达到0.68%,0.81和0.94%(Y = 0.0133) X + 0.6491, r = 0.87)。第0周时为0.67%,在第6周,第12周和第20周后,SF奶牛分别达到0.65%,0.77和0.90%(Y n-3 = 0.0121X + 0.6349, r = 0.75)。相反,在20周内,HC奶牛中n-3脂肪酸的重量百分比从0.63、0.50和0.47下降到0.43%,而SC奶牛中的n-3脂肪酸的重量百分比从0.63、0.40和0.36下降到0.33%。许多α-亚麻酸(ALA)生物氢化中间体,包括牛痘酸(C18:1 trans -11)发生了牧草x亚麻籽相互作用( P <0.05)。和CLA(结合了C18:2 trans -7, cis -9和 cis -9, trans -11 ),血浆和皮下脂肪中也包括非CLA二烯。用干草饲喂亚麻籽时,大多数α-亚麻酸生物氢化中间体的浓度较高。总之,饲草来源改变了饲喂亚麻籽的肉牛的皮下脂肪中的血浆浓度和ALA生物加氢产物的积累速率。导致这种反应的因素尚待确定,但可能包括饲草介导的ALA瘤胃生物氢化中的变化以及脂肪酸代谢和沉积的变化。美国动物科学学会版权所有。版权所有。



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