首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Aerosol Science >Identification of aerosol production in fccu cyclones

Identification of aerosol production in fccu cyclones


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Fluidized Catalytic Cracker Units (FCCU) are used to produce gasoline products by cracking long chain hydrocarbons in shorter length molecules (Kunii and Levenspiel 1991).The longer chained hydrocarbons are vaporised and mixed with a zeolite based catalyst,which under high temperatures and low pressures,cracks the hydrocarbon into smaller chains.The unit normally comprises three sections,the rising main,the reactor and the regenerator.The catalyst and hydrocarbons are injected into the rising main where the reaction occurs,the catalyst is then separated from the product at the entrances to the reactor.Catalyst is recycled back to the regenerator while gasoline products are removed via the top of the reactor.The regenerator is a large fluidized bed used to 're-charge' the catalyst by burning the coke deposits on its surface.Once 're-charged',the catalyst is recycled back into the rising main,and the process is continued.
机译:流化催化裂化装置(FCCU)用于通过裂化较短长度的分子中的长链碳氢化合物来生产汽油产品(Kunii和Levenspiel 1991)。将较长链的碳氢化合物汽化并与沸石基催化剂混合,在高温和低压下进行混合单元通常包括三个部分,即上升主塔,反应器和再生器。将催化剂和碳氢化合物注入发生反应的上升主塔中,然后从塔顶分离出催化剂。进入反应器的入口。催化剂循环回再生器,同时通过反应器顶部除去汽油产物。再生器是一个大型流化床,用于通过燃烧其表面上的焦炭沉积物来``重新装填''催化剂。 “重新充电”,将催化剂循环回上升的主管道,然后继续该过程。



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