首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Health care reform in transition: incremental insurance reform without an individual mandate.

Health care reform in transition: incremental insurance reform without an individual mandate.


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On January 20, 2010, Scott Brown won the Massachusetts Senate seat held by Edward Kennedy for 46 years, ending the Democrats' filibuster-proof supermajority and stalling health care reform. Lawmakers in both parties called for bipartisan health insurance protections to supplant the more comprehensive packages, which currently include an individual purchase mandate. Piecemeal reform could impose a tax on high-cost plans, prohibit health status underwriting, require continuation coverage for individuals younger than 25 years, and fund state health insurance exchanges.1 Although incremental reform would provide some protection for vulnerable individuals, it could have serious, unintended consequences.
机译:2010年1月20日,斯科特·布朗(Scott Brown)赢得了爱德华·肯尼迪(Edward Kennedy)担任麻萨诸塞州参议院议员46年的席位,结束了民主党人对立论的抵抗,并拖延了医疗改革的步伐。双方的立法者都要求两党健康保险保护措施取代更全面的一揽子方案,目前该方案包括个人购买授权。零敲碎打的改革可能会对高成本计划加征税,禁止健康状况承保,要求25岁以下的个人继续获得保险,并为国家健康保险交易提供资金。1尽管渐进式改革可以为弱势群体提供一定的保护,但它可能会严重,意想不到的后果。



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