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Neuroscience Becomes Image Conscious as Brain Scans Raise Ethical Issues


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Plug in the term fmri(functional magnetic resonance imaging) to PubMed and the search engine will generate tens of thousands of relevant citations. Since this brain imaging technique first appeared in the early 1990s, its use has "simply exploded," says Marcus Raichle, MD, professor of radiology, neurology, and anatomy and neurobiologyat Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, a pioneer in functional brain imaging.Not only are researchers using fMRI and other neuroimaging tools to examine basic sensorimotor and cognitive processes and brain pathology, they are also using them to explore complex brain functions involved in human motivation, reasoning, and social attitudes. This new ability to explore brain mechanisms is opening an array of opportunities to advance the understanding of the brain in health and disease.But the use of imaging techniques to peer ever more closely into the brain also has ethical implications. Neuroscience, like genetics, deals with the biological foundations of who we are, points out Martha Farah, PhD, professor of psychology and director of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.Like genetic data, brain scan findings raise issues of privacy, says Farah. In some cases, brain imaging may yield information that is even more personally significant than that generated by genetic tests. For example, she says, "genetic tests only provide information about traits, like personality traits, whereas brain scans not only can provide information about traits, they alsocan give insight into states-such as if someone is afraid at the moment."While it is not necessarily a bad thing to obtain this sort of information from brain imaging, explains Farah, "it can be misused. We have to safeguard privacy and begin to think about how we want to control the use of that kind of information."Such concerns about the uses and misuses of neuroimaging data have prompted neuroscientists such as Farah to join ethicists and others to address the challenges presented by these new neuroimaging capabilities, a key area in the emerging field of neuroethics.
机译:将fmri(功能磁共振成像)一词插入PubMed,搜索引擎将产生数以万计的相关引用。自从1990年代初首次出现这种大脑成像技术以来,它的使用就“呈爆炸式增长”,华盛顿大学医学院放射学,神经学以及解剖学和神经生物学教授Marcus Raichle博士说,这是功能性大脑的先驱者研究人员不仅使用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)和其他神经影像工具检查基本的感觉运动和认知过程以及脑病理学,还使用它们来探索涉及人类动机,推理和社会态度的复杂脑功能。这种探索大脑机制的新能力为增进人们对健康和疾病的大脑理解开辟了一系列机会。但是,使用成像技术更加密切地凝视大脑也具有伦理意义。像遗传学一样,神经科学处理人类的生物学基础,费城宾夕法尼亚大学心理学教授,认知神经科学中心主任玛莎·法拉(Martha Farah)博士指出,像遗传数据一样,脑部扫描发现也引发了问题法拉说。在某些情况下,大脑成像可能会产生比基因测试所产生的个人意义更大的信息。她说,例如,“基因测试仅提供有关性格的信息,例如人格特质,而脑部扫描不仅可以提供有关性格的信息,而且还可以洞察状态,例如当前有人害怕。” Farah解释说,从大脑成像中获得这类信息不一定是一件坏事,“它可能会被滥用。我们必须保护隐私,并开始考虑如何控制此类信息的使用。”对神经影像数据使用和滥用的担忧促使诸如Farah之类的神经科学家加入了伦理学家和其他组织,以应对这些新的神经影像功能所提出的挑战,这是新兴的神经伦理学领域的关键领域。



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