首页> 外文期刊>Journal de gyne?cologie, obste?trique et biologie de la reproduction. >La répétition d'un geste de destruction endométriale permet-elle d'améliorer les sympt?mes de ménomé trorragie, et diminue-t-elle le taux de réintervention par hystérectomie? [Does repeated endometrial destruction procedures decrease abnormal uterine bleeding, and does it reduce the number of hysterectomy in this indication?]

La répétition d'un geste de destruction endométriale permet-elle d'améliorer les sympt?mes de ménomé trorragie, et diminue-t-elle le taux de réintervention par hystérectomie? [Does repeated endometrial destruction procedures decrease abnormal uterine bleeding, and does it reduce the number of hysterectomy in this indication?]


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Objective Hysteroscopic endometrial resection or destruction in the indication of abnormal uterine bleeding or post-menopausal bleeding represents an alternative to hysterectomy, as it carries a lower morbidity rate. In case of failure of such procedure though, hysterectomy will most often be proposed as a second line of treatment. The place of the repetition of an endometrial destruction procedure has not yet been evaluated. The aim of our study is to evaluate the efficiency and the satisfaction after two consecutive techniques of endometrial destruction in case of abnormal uterine bleeding or post-menopausal bleeding. Material and methods Nineteen patients presenting with recurring abnormal uterine bleeding after one procedure of endometrial destruction, underwent in our department, between 2004 and 2011, a second conservative endometrial procedure. Results No complication occurred during the repeated procedure. Sixteen of the nineteen patients (84.2 %) included answered a questionnaire. The mean delay since the second procedure was 27 months [25; 29]. Eight patients (i.e. 50 %) later underwent a hysterectomy, with 5 of them (31.25 % of all 16 patients) being directly attributed to treatment failure. Patients said to be satisfied with the management of their condition in 68.75 % of cases, and 93.75 % of them would recommend it to a friend. Conclusion Our results suggest that a second conservative management in case of recurrence of AUB is effective. Hysterectomy could be avoided in 50 % of cases. A second conservative treatment could be an interesting option for patients with medical contra-indication for heavier surgery, as well as for patients willing to keep their uterus.
机译:目的宫腔镜子宫内膜切除术或破坏表明子宫异常出血或绝经后出血是子宫切除术的替代方法,因为它具有较低的发病率。但是,如果这种方法失败了,子宫切除术最常被建议作为第二线治疗方法。子宫内膜破坏手术的重复地点尚未评估。我们研究的目的是评估在子宫异常出血或绝经后出血的情况下连续两种子宫内膜破坏技术的效率和满意度。材料和方法2004年至2011年,在我科接受了19例子宫内膜破坏手术后复发性异常子宫出血的患者,这是第二例保守子宫内膜手术。结果重复手术过程中未发生并发症。 19名患者中有16名(84.2%)接受了问卷调查。自第二次手术以来的平均延迟为27个月[25; 29]。 8例患者(即50%)随后接受了子宫切除术,其中5例(所有16例患者中的31.25%)直接归因于治疗失败。据称患者对自己的病情满意,占68.75%,有93.75%的患者会推荐给朋友。结论我们的结果表明,在AUB复发的情况下进行第二次保守治疗是有效的。 50%的病例可以避免子宫切除术。对于有较大外科手术禁忌症的患者以及愿意保留子宫的患者,第二种保守治疗可能是一个有趣的选择。



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