首页> 外文期刊>Discrete Applied Mathematics >Graph classes and the complexity of the graph orientation minimizing the maximum weighted outdegree

Graph classes and the complexity of the graph orientation minimizing the maximum weighted outdegree


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Given an undirected graph with edge weights, we are asked to find an orientation, that is, an assignment of a direction to each edge, so as to minimize the weighted maximum outdegree in the resulted directed graph. The problem is called MMO, and is a restricted variant of the well-known minimum makespan problem. As in previous studies, it is shown that MMO is in P for trees, weak NP-hard for planar bipartite graphs, and strong NP-hard for general graphs. There are still gaps between those graph classes. The objective of this paper is to show tighter thresholds of complexity: We show that MMO is (i) in P for cactus graphs, (ii) weakly NP-hard for outerplanar graphs, and also (iii) strongly NP-hard for graphs which are both planar and bipartite. This implies the NP-hardness for P4-bipartite, diamond-free or house-free graphs, each of which is a superclass of cactus. We also show (iv) the NP-hardness for seriesparallel graphs and multi-outerplanar graphs, and (v) present a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for graphs with bounded treewidth.



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