首页> 外文期刊>JAIDS: Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes >HIV-1 Transmissions During Asymptomatic Infection: Exploring the Impact of Changes in HIV-1 Viral Load Due to Coinfections

HIV-1 Transmissions During Asymptomatic Infection: Exploring the Impact of Changes in HIV-1 Viral Load Due to Coinfections


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High HIV-1 plasma viral loads (PVLs) in sub-Saharan Africa, partly because of high rates of coinfection, may have been one of the drivers of the "explosive" epidemics seen in that region. Using a previously published framework of infectiousness and survival, we estimate the excess onward HIV-1 transmission events (secondary infections) resulting from coinfection-induced changes in PVL during asymptomatic HIV-1 infection. For every 100 HIV-infected people, each suffering 1 episode of tuberculosis infection, there are 4.9 (2.7th-97.5th percentile: 0.2-21.5) excess onward HIV-1 transmission events attributable to this coinfection. Other estimates are malaria 0.4 (0.0-2.0), soil-transmitted helminths 3.1 (0.1-14.9), schistosomiasis 8.5 (0.2-38.6), filariasis 13.3 (0.3-89.2), syphilis 0.1 (0.0-1.6), herpes simplex virus 4.0 (0.0-24.2), and gonorrhea 2.1 (0.1-8.0) transmissions. If these higher PVLs confer a shorter life expectancy and higher infectiousness, then their impact on transmission is, in general, reduced. For most HIV-1 coinfections, the duration of a single infection is too short and/or the associated PVL elevation is too modest to contribute substantially to onward HIV-1 transmission.
机译:撒哈拉以南非洲的高HIV-1血浆病毒载量(PVL),部分是由于高合并感染率,可能是该地区“爆发性”流行病的驱动因素之一。使用以前发布的传染性和生存框架,我们估计了无症状HIV-1感染期间由合并感染引起的PVL变化导致的过量HIV-1传播事件(继发感染)。对于每100名感染了1次结核病的HIV感染者,这种合并感染可导致4.9(2.7%至97.5%百分位数:0.2-21.5)以后的过度HIV-1传播事件。其他估计数是疟疾0.4(0.0-2.0),土壤传播的蠕虫3.1(0.1-14.9),血吸虫病8.5(0.2-38.6),丝虫病13.3(0.3-89.2),梅毒0.1(0.0-1.6),单纯疱疹病毒4.0 (0.0-24.2)和淋病2.1(0.1-8.0)传播。如果这些较高的PVL导致预期寿命较短和传染性较高,那么通常它们对传播的影响会降低。对于大多数HIV-1合并感染,单个感染的持续时间太短和/或相关的PVL升高太适度,以至于无法进一步促进HIV-1的进一步传播。



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