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Overview and historical perspective of four papers presented on research related to the endogenous opioid system


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The endogenous opioid system is now known to play a major role in many aspects of normal physiology and neurobiology, as well as a central role in many of the addictive disease disorders. There are many areas of ongoing exciting research regarding this diverse system, including some new approaches to understanding both the brain localization and specific molecular mechanisms underlying behaviors. These include the use of small interfering RNA directed against the mu opioid receptor system, which when instilled in the substantia nigra-ventral tegmental area has been shown to result in both an ablation of heroin-induced locomotor activity and conditioned place preference. Further, a wide variety of human molecular genetics studies identify the mu opioid receptor as an important contributor to the vulnerability to develop an addiction, as well as a gene whose functional variants may alter physiological and pathological states in a wide variety of ways (e.g., Levran et al., 2008; Nielsen et al, 2008; Zhang et al., 2009). When research first began at The Rockefeller University in 1964 to attempt to develop a pharmacological treatment for opiate addiction, it was conceptualized that a therapeutic agent should be- targeted to a specific site of action of opiate drugs like heroin and its active metabolites, primarily morphine (Dole et al., 1966). Further, the probable existence of specific "opiate (later opioid) receptors" was postulated, a concept that had been introduced by a few different groups, including that of the late Martin in Kentucky, and Collier and colleagues in England. Thus, in the selection of a pharmacological agent, criteria were set that it should be orally effective, long-acting, and targeted at what was then simply called "the opiate receptor," and, of course, methadone was the agent chosen (Dole etal., 1966).
机译:现在已知内源性阿片样物质系统在正常生理和神经生物学的许多方面都起着主要作用,并且在许多成瘾性疾病中起着核心作用。关于这个多样化的系统,有许多正在进行的令人兴奋的研究,包括一些新的方法来理解大脑的定位和行为背后的特定分子机制。这些措施包括使用针对mu阿片样物质受体系统的小干扰RNA,将其注入黑质-腹侧被膜区时,可导致海洛因诱导的自发活动减少和条件性位置偏爱。此外,各种各样的人类分子遗传学研究将mu阿片类药物受体归为导致成瘾的脆弱性的重要因素,以及其功能变异可能以多种方式改变生理和病理状态的基因(例如, Levran等,2008; Nielsen等,2008; Zhang等,2009)。 1964年,洛克菲勒大学开始进行研究以尝试开发针对阿片成瘾的药理学研究时,它的概念是治疗剂应针对阿片类药物(如海洛因及其活性代谢物,主要是吗啡)的特定作用部位(Dole等,1966)。此外,推测可能存在特定的“鸦片(后阿片类药物)受体”,这一概念已经由几个不同的小组提出,包括已故肯塔基州马丁和英格兰的科利尔及其同事。因此,在选择药理学药物时,设定了标准,即它应具有口服有效,长效作用,并针对当时被简单称为“鸦片受体”的药物,当然,选择的是美沙酮(Dole等人,1966)。



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