首页> 外文期刊>Drug and Chemical Toxicology >Comparison of internal dose measures of solvents in breath, blood and urine and genotoxic changes in aircraft maintenance personnel.

Comparison of internal dose measures of solvents in breath, blood and urine and genotoxic changes in aircraft maintenance personnel.


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Solvents and fuels are in widespread use both in civilian and military populations. 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), xylene, toluene, methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and methylene chloride are found in a variety of compounds including degreasing agents, paints, coatings, pesticides and paint strippers. Toluene and xylene are also found in fuels, which are complex mixtures of hundreds of agents. The purpose of this investigation was twofold. The first was to determine the optimum medium to measure internal dose of solvents comparing blood, urine and breath. The second was to determine if low level exposures were associated with genotoxic changes after a short-term exposure of fifteen or thirty weeks. To accomplish the first goal a pilot study was initiated involving eight volunteers who worked in aircraft maintenance including sheet metal, painting and assembly mechanic jobs. Industrial hygiene measurements were evaluated over 30 working days. Breath, blood and a 24-hour urine sample were collected twice to compare internal dose parameters. To achieve the second goal, 58 newly hired subjects were monitored prior to exposure and over 30 weeks to determine if there were genotoxic changes as a result of solvent and/or fuel exposure as measured by sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) and micronuclei (MN). Exposure groups included workers involved in sheet metal (fuel cell) activities, painting, fueling operations and flight line. Results of the pilot study demonstrated that industrial hygiene air samples and internal breath measures taken on the same day were highly correlated for measuring TCA (r = 0.93) and toluene (r = 0.90) but was not as well correlated for the other compounds. Breath measures were more sensitive for measuring low level exposure than were either analytes in blood or 24-hour urine samples; these latter two measures were usually below the limit of detection. A small but statistically significant increase in the frequency of SCEs occurred after 30 weeks of exposure for sheet metal workers (p = 0.003) and for painters (p = 0.05). The MN frequency in the sheet metal workers initially showed a significant increase by 15 weeks, but by 30 weeks had decreased. Chance occurrence of exposures to other occupational or non-occupational agents can not be eliminated as a cause of the genotoxic results since between 58 and 93 total analytes could be found in the breath of some aircraft maintenance personnel.
机译:溶剂和燃料在平民和军事人群中得到广泛使用。 1,1,1-三氯乙烷(TCA),二甲苯,甲苯,甲乙酮(MEK)和二氯甲烷存在于多种化合物中,包括脱脂剂,油漆,涂料,农药和脱漆剂。甲苯和二甲苯也存在于燃料中,它们是数百种试剂的复杂混合物。这项调查的目的是双重的。首先是确定用于比较内部血液,尿液和呼吸的溶剂剂量的最佳介质。第二个是确定短期暴露十五或三十周后低水平暴露是否与遗传毒性变化相关。为了实现第一个目标,发起了一项试验研究,涉及八名志愿者,他们从事飞机维修工作,包括钣金,涂装和装配技工。在30个工作日内评估了工业卫生状况。两次收集呼吸,血液和24小时尿液样本以比较内部剂量参数。为实现第二个目标,在暴露前和暴露后30周内对58名新雇用的受试者进行了监测,以确定是否存在由于姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)和微核(MN)所测量的溶剂和/或燃料暴露导致的遗传毒性变化。 。接触小组包括从事钣金(燃料电池)活动,喷漆,加油作业和飞行路线的工人。初步研究结果表明,同一天采取的工业卫生空气样本和内部呼吸测量与三氯乙烯(r = 0.93)和甲苯(r = 0.90)的测量高度相关,而与其他化合物的相关性却不高。呼吸测量对低水平接触的测量比血液或24小时尿液样品中的分析物更为敏感。后两项措施通常低于检出限。钣金工人(p = 0.003)和画家(p = 0.05)接触30周后,SCE的频率有小幅但有统计学意义的增加。钣金加工工人的MN频率最初显示显着增加了15周,但到30周却有所下降。由于遗传毒性结果,不能消除接触其他职业或非职业因素的机会,因为在某些飞机维修人员的呼吸中可能发现58至93种分析物。



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