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When the Cats are away: The impact of sporting events on assault- and alcohol-related emergency department attendances


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Introduction and Aims: Despite the attention given to the broad topic of alcohol and violence, there are few studies of this relationship in the context of sporting events and their impact on alcohol-related hospital emergency department (ED) attendances, none of which are Australian. Methods: De-identified patient records from Barwon Health's Geelong Hospital ED were analysed from 1 July 2005 to 16 February 2010. Information contained in these records included age, gender, suburb of residence, attendance date and time, arrival mode and reason for attendance. The ED triage database was searched for attendances relating to alcohol, drugs and assault of which 16940 cases were returned. Results: There was a substantial increase in annual alcohol-related ED attendances from 2006 to 2009. Hierarchical binary logistic regression analyses showed that having a game on a particular day did not contribute to the model, but there were significantly more ED attendances for assaults on days when the Geelong Cats won. There were no significant predictors of ED attendance for alcohol-related harm in the variables studied. Discussion: The findings of the study suggest that there are significantly more assault-related attendances at the ED in Geelong when the local national football team, the Geelong Cats, won. None of the variables under investigation appears to have impacted on alcohol-related attendances which were not assaults (i.e. injuries or intoxication). Conclusions: It appears that increases in ED attendances associated with the success of a local sporting team are not significantly associated with alcohol use and are more influenced by other factors.
机译:引言和目的:尽管人们对酒精和暴力这一广泛话题给予了关注,但在体育赛事及其对酒精相关医院急诊室就诊人员的影响方面,关于这种关系的研究很少,其中没有一个是澳大利亚人。方法:分析2005年7月1日至2010年2月16日来自Barwon Health的吉朗医院急诊科的身份不明的患者记录。这些记录中包含的信息包括年龄,性别,居住郊区,出勤日期和时间,出勤方式和出勤原因。在急诊分类数据库中搜索了与酒精,毒品和袭击有关的出勤情况,其中返回了16940例。结果:从2006年到2009年,每年与酒精相关的ED出勤率显着增加。分层二元logistic回归分析表明,在特定日期玩游戏不会对模型产生影响,但在ED上进行袭击的ED出勤率明显增加。吉朗猫获胜的日子。在所研究的变量中,没有ED参与酒精相关伤害的重要预测指标。讨论:该研究结果表明,当当地国家橄榄球队“吉朗猫”获胜时,吉朗急诊部的袭击相关出席人数明显增加。被调查的变量似乎都没有影响与酒精相关的出勤率,这些出勤率不是殴打(即受伤或中毒)。结论:与当地运动队的成功相关的急诊就诊率的增加似乎与饮酒没有显着相关,并且受其他因素的影响更大。



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