首页> 外文期刊>DMW: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift >What is death?: Definitions and diagnoses from 2500 years of natural philosophy and medicine [Was ist der Tod?: Definitionen und Diagnosen aus 2500 Jahren Naturphilosophie und Medizin]

What is death?: Definitions and diagnoses from 2500 years of natural philosophy and medicine [Was ist der Tod?: Definitionen und Diagnosen aus 2500 Jahren Naturphilosophie und Medizin]


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For very long medicine has been dealing with the question what death means and when it has occurred. The promotion of this debate is mainly owed to the new medical findings and the concrete requirements of the clinical practice; but other factors like social-historical influences (in particular the dispute over the secure determination of death) as well as the (de-)medicalization of the concept of death have also to be taken into account. In a concise historical overlook this study aims to demonstrate the development of the definition of death: In ancient Greece Aristotle, disregarding the transcendent teleology, describes the natural or non-natural death that occurs when the production of the vegetative warmth in the central organ - the heart - has ceased. In the Enlightenment Johann August Unzer (emulated later by Bichat and Hufeland) worked out the concept of the step-by-step process of death: In the attempt to explain sudden death, apparent death and reanimation the enlightened physiologist differentiated between the cessation of the senses (caused by heart death and brain death) and the vegetative functions. In the second half of the 20 th century progress made in transplanting and intensive care generated a broadened medical definition of death that met strong opposition in the discussions on the autonomy of the patient and the worth of human life. Generally considered, the increasing differences in interpreting death between physicians and medical laymen, but also in medical practice and basic research are mainly due to the divergent demands regarding the definition and diagnosis of death.
机译:长期以来,医学一直在处理死亡是什么意思以及何时死亡的问题。这场辩论的推动主要是由于新的医学发现和临床实践的具体要求;但是还必须考虑其他因素,例如社会历史影响力(尤其是关于确定死亡的可靠争论)以及死亡概念的(非医疗化)。在简洁的历史遗漏中,这项研究旨在证明死亡定义的发展:在古希腊的亚里斯多德,无视超越的目的论,描述了在中央器官中产生植物性温暖时发生的自然或非自然死亡-心脏-已经停止。在《启蒙运动》中,约翰·奥古斯特·昂泽(Johann August Unzer)(后来由Bichat和Hufeland模仿)提出了逐步死亡过程的概念:为了解释突然死亡,明显死亡和复活,开明的生理学家区分了停止死亡的过程。感官(由心脏死亡和脑部死亡引起)和植物功能。 20世纪下半叶,在移植和重症监护方面取得了进展,在医学上对死亡的定义更加广泛,在有关患者自主性和生命价值的讨论中遭到了强烈反对。通常认为,医生和医疗外行在解释死亡方面的差异在不断增加,但在医学实践和基础研究中,差异也越来越大,这主要归因于对死亡的定义和诊断的不同要求。



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