首页> 外文期刊>DMW: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift >Is there a German history of evidence-based medicine? Methodic standards of therapeutic research in the early 20th century and Paul Martini's Methodology of therapeutic investigation

Is there a German history of evidence-based medicine? Methodic standards of therapeutic research in the early 20th century and Paul Martini's Methodology of therapeutic investigation

机译:德国有循证医学的历史吗? 20世纪初期的治疗研究方法论标准和保罗·马蒂尼(Paul Martini)的治疗研究方法论

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The article addresses the history of evidence-based medicine in Germany. Its aim was to reconstruct the standard of clinical-therapeutic investigation in Germany at the beginning of the 20 (th) century. By a historical investigation of five important German general medical journals for the time between 1918 and 1932 an overview of the situation of clinical investigation is given. 268 clinical trails are identified, and are analysed in view of their methodological design. Heterogeneous results are found: While few examples of sophisticated methodology exist, the design of the majority of the studies is poor. A response to the situation described can be seen in Paul Martini's book "Methodology of Therapeutic Investigation", first published in 1932. Paul Martini's biography, his criticism of the situation of clinical-therapeutic investigation of his time, the major points of his methodology and the reception of the book in Germany and abroad are described.
机译:本文介绍了德国循证医学的历史。其目的是在20世纪初重建德国的临床治疗研究标准。通过对1918至1932年间五种重要的德国普通医学期刊的历史调查,对临床调查的情况进行了概述。鉴定了268条临床试验,并根据其方法学设计进行了分析。发现了异类的结果:虽然很少有复杂方法的例子,但大多数研究的设计都较差。可以在1932年首次出版的保罗·马蒂尼(Paul Martini)的著作《治疗研究方法论》中看到对这种情况的回应。保罗·马丁尼(Paul Martini)的传记,他对自己时代的临床治疗研究情况的批评,他的方法论的要点和描述了该书在德国和国外的接受程度。



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