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RecF recombination pathway in Escherichia coli cells lacking RecQ, UvrD and HelD helicases


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In recBCD sbcB sbcC(D) mutants of Escherichia coli homologous recombination proceeds via RecF pathway, which is thought to require RecQ, UvrD and HelD helicases at its initial stage. It was previously suggested that depletion of all three helicases totally abolishes the RecF pathway. The present study (re)examines the roles of these helicases in transductional recombination, and in recombinational repair of UV-induced DNA damage in the RecF pathway. The study has employed the Δ recBCD Δ sbcB sbcC201 and Δ recBCD sbcB15 sbcC201 strains, carrying combinations of mutations in recQ, uvrD, and helD genes. We show that in Δ recBCD Δ sbcB sbcC201 strains, recombination requires exclusively the RecQ helicase. In Δ recBCD sbcB15 sbcC201 strains, RecQ may be partially substituted by UvrD helicase. The HelD helicase is dispensable for recombination in both backgrounds. Our results also suggest that significant portion of recombination events in the RecF pathway is independent of RecQ, UvrD and HelD. These events are initiated either by RecJ nuclease alone or by RecJ nuclease associated with an unknown helicase. Inactivation of exonuclease VII by a xseA mutation further decreases the requirement for helicase activity in the RecF pathway. We suggest that elimination of nucleases acting on 3' single-strand DNA ends reduces the necessity for helicases in initiation of recombination.
机译:在大肠杆菌的recBCD sbcB sbcC(D)突变体中,同源重组是通过RecF途径进行的,该途径被认为在其初始阶段需要RecQ,UvrD和HelD解旋酶。以前曾有人提出,所有三种解旋酶的消耗完全消除了RecF途径。本研究(重新)检查了这些解旋酶在转导重组中的作用,以及在RecF途径中紫外线诱导的DNA损伤的重组修复中的作用。该研究使用了ΔrecBCDΔsbcB sbcC201和ΔrecBCD sbcB15 sbcC201菌株,它们携带了recQ,uvrD和helD基因突变的组合。我们显示,在ΔrecBCDΔsbcB sbcC201菌株中,重组仅需要RecQ解旋酶。在ΔrecBCD sbcB15 sbcC201菌株中,RecQ可能被UvrD解旋酶部分取代。 HelD解旋酶在两种背景下均可重组。我们的结果还表明,RecF途径中重组事件的重要部分独立于RecQ,UvrD和HelD。这些事件是通过单独的RecJ核酸酶或与未知解旋酶相关的RecJ核酸酶引发的。 xseA突变使核酸外切酶VII失活,进一步降低了RecF途径对解旋酶活性的需求。我们建议消除作用于3'单链DNA末端的核酸酶可降低解旋酶在重组起始中的必要性。



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