首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry >The effect of ryegrass (Lolium italicum L.) stand densities on its competitive interaction with cleavers (Galium aparine L.)

The effect of ryegrass (Lolium italicum L.) stand densities on its competitive interaction with cleavers (Galium aparine L.)

机译:黑麦草(黑麦草(Lolium italicum L.))密度对其与切肉刀(Galium aparine L.)竞争性相互作用的影响

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Italian ryegrass (Lolium italicum L. cv. Tetraflorum) seed production is an important industrial activity in Serbia. Cleavers (Galium aparine L.) interferes in Italian ryegrass seed production as well as in many other crops. The effect of stand density of Italian ryegrass on its competitive interaction with cleavers was investigated in western Serbia in the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 cropping seasons. The established density treatments of Italian ryegrass were 5 kg ha(-1) seeding rate with 60 cm row spacing (SD1), 5 kg ha(-1) with 20 cm (SD2), 20 kg ha(-1) with 60 cm (SD3), and 20 kg ha(-1) with 20 cm (SD4). The interaction between Italian ryegrass and cleavers was evaluated by SPAD reading, relative nitrogen content (RNC) in the leaf, total nitrogen content (TNC) in the leaf, and seed yield. The rank order of the competitive ability of Italian ryegrass was SD4 > SD3 > SD2 > SD1 under optimal weather conditions for crop development. Under climatic stress conditions, however, neither effect of ryegrass densities nor cleavers was pronounced on competitive ability of ryegrass with different stands.
机译:意大利黑麦草(Lolium italicum L. cv。Tetraflorum)的种子生产是塞尔维亚的一项重要工业活动。砍刀(Galium aparine L.)干扰了意大利黑麦草的种子生产以及许多其他农作物。在2005-2006年和2006-2007年的种植季节,在塞尔维亚西部调查了意大利黑麦草的林分密度对其与砍肉刀竞争相互作用的影响。已建立的意大利黑麦草密度处理方法是:行距60 cm(SD1)为5 kg ha(-1),20 cm(SD2)为5 kg ha(-1),60 cm为20 kg ha(-1) (SD3),以及20千克(SD4)的20千克ha(-1)。通过SPAD读数,叶片中的相对氮含量(RNC),叶片中的总氮含量(TNC)和种子产量来评估意大利黑麦草和切肉刀之间的相互作用。在作物生长的最佳天气条件下,意大利黑麦草的竞争能力排名为SD4> SD3> SD2> SD1。然而,在气候胁迫条件下,黑麦草密度和切肉刀对不同林分黑麦草竞争能力的影响均不明显。



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