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Enhanced life-role participation in response to comprehensive gait training in chronic stroke survivors


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Purpose: Intensive gait training can produce improvements in gait and function (> 6 months after stroke); findings are mixed for enhanced life role participation. Therefore, it is unclear if improved gait and function translate into life role participation gain. Our objective was to evaluate whether intensive gait therapy can produce significant improvements in life role participation for chronic stroke survivors. Methods: In conjunction with a clinical gait training trial, we conducted a secondary analysis for a 44-member cohort with stroke (>6 months). Gait training interventions included exercise, body weight supported treadmill training (BWSTT), over-ground gait training, and functional electrical stimulation (FES) for 1.5 h/day, 4 days/wk for 12 weeks. Study measures included Tinetti Gait (TG) (gait impairment), Functional Independence Measure (FIM, function), Stroke Impact Scale Subscale of Life Role Participation (SISpart), and Craig Handicap Assessment & Reporting Technique (CHART, life-role participation). Analyses included Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and PLUM Regression Model. Results: Gait interventions produced significant improvement in CHART (p = 0.020), SISpart (p = 0.011), FIM (p < 0.0001), and Tinetti Gait (p < 0.0001). Age, gender and time since stroke did not predict response to treatment. Conclusions: Intensive, multi-modal, long-duration gait therapy resulted in significant gain in life-role participation, according to a relatively comprehensive, homogeneous measure. Implications for Rehabilitation It is important to measure life role participation in rehabilitation intervention studies, and using a homogenous measure of life role participation provides clear results. Intensive gait training produced a significant improvement in life role participation in the chronic phase after stroke. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) had no significant additive effect on life role participation during the treatment phase, but FES did have an additive effect during the follow-up period, in enhancing life role participation beyond that obtained using an identical comprehensive gait training intervention without FES.
机译:目的:强化步态训练可改善步态和功能(中风后> 6个月);研究结果混杂在一起,以增强生活角色的参与度。因此,尚不清楚改善的步态和功能是否会转化为生活角色参与收益。我们的目标是评估强化步态治疗是否可以显着改善慢性卒中幸存者的生活角色参与。方法:结合临床步态训练试验,我们对44名中风患者(> 6个月)进行了次要分析。步态训练干预措施包括运动,体重支持的跑步机训练(BWSTT),地面步态训练和功能性电刺激(FES),持续1.5 h /天,4天/周,持续12周。研究措施包括Tinetti步态(TG)(步态障碍),功能独立性度量(FIM,功能),生命角色参与的卒中影响量表分量表(SISpart)和Craig障碍评估与报告技术(CHART,生命角色参与)。分析包括Wilcoxon签署秩检验和PLUM回归模型。结果:步态干预显着改善了CHART(p = 0.020),SISpart(p = 0.011),FIM(p <0.0001)和Tinetti步态(p <0.0001)。中风后的年龄,性别和时间不能预测对治疗的反应。结论:根据一项相对全面,同类的措施,密集,多模式,持续时间长的步态治疗可显着提高生命角色参与度。康复的意义在康复干预研究中衡量生活角色的参与很重要,并且使用同质的生活角色参与方法可以提供清晰的结果。强化步态训练使中风后慢性期的生活角色参与显着改善。功能性电刺激(FES)在治疗阶段对生命角色参与没有明显的累加作用,但是FES在随访期间确实对生命角色参与有累加作用,从而增强了生活角色参与,而使用相同的综合步态训练干预却没有FES。



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