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Pemphigus vulgaris in a patient with arthritis and uveitis: successful treatment with immunosuppressive therapy and acyclovir


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A case of pemphigus vulgaris in a 41-year-old man with undifferentiated arthritis and uveitis is described. Histology of labial mucosa showed acantholytic, necrotic, and multinucleated giant keratinocytes having some nuclear inclusions suggestive of a virus infection. Specific serological tests revealed IgG positivity for HSV-1, CMV, and EBV, while real-time polymerase chain reaction assay from a biopsy of the mucosal lesion showed the presence of HSV-1/2 DNA. Treatment with prednisone, methotrexate, and acyclovir induced the complete remission of mucosal and joint symptoms, which then relapsed after interruption of antiviral therapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Therefore, a combined treatment with low doses of prednisone, methotrexate, and acyclovir was restarted and during 18 months of follow-up no recurrence was registered. Correlations between pemphigus and the herpes virus infection and also between autoimmune arthritis and herpetic agents have been well documented, but the exact role of the herpes virus in these disorders still needs further discussion. Our case strongly suggests that when autoimmune disorders do not respond to immunosuppressive agents, a viral infection should be suspected, researched, and treated.
机译:描述了一名患有未分化关节炎和葡萄膜炎的41岁男性寻常型天疱疮。唇粘膜的组织学表现为棘皮性,坏死性和多核巨角质形成细胞,具有一些核内含物,提示病毒感染。特异性血清学检查显示IgG对HSV-1,CMV和EBV呈阳性,而从粘膜病变活检中进行的实时聚合酶链反应分析表明存在HSV-1 / 2 DNA。用泼尼松,甲氨蝶呤和阿昔洛韦治疗可完全缓解粘膜和关节症状,然后在中断抗病毒治疗或免疫抑制治疗后复发。因此,重新开始使用低剂量的泼尼松,甲氨蝶呤和阿昔洛韦的联合治疗,在随访的18个月中未发现复发。天疱疮和疱疹病毒感染之间的相关性以及自身免疫性关节炎和疱疹病原体之间的相关性已有充分文献记载,但是疱疹病毒在这些疾病中的确切作用仍需进一步讨论。我们的案例强烈建议,当自身免疫性疾病对免疫抑制剂无反应时,应怀疑,研究和治疗病毒感染。



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