首页> 外文期刊>Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fuer Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete >Current guidelines in dermatology. A selection of clinically relevant recommendations

Current guidelines in dermatology. A selection of clinically relevant recommendations


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Guidelines are systematically developed decision aids for specific medical conditions. The German Dermatological Society, together with the German Professional Association of Dermatologists, takes the lead in the development of the guidelines for dermatology in Germany. In addition to national guidelines, European and international guidelines also exist. In 2014 and 2015 German guidelines on the following topics were newly developed or updated: cutaneous larva migrans, anticoagulation during dermatosurgery, pemphigus vulgaris and bullous pemphigoids, Mohs surgery, anal dysplasia, and anal carcinoma in HIV-infected patients. European guidelines on psoriasis vulgaris and hand eczema were updated among others. An international guideline on actinic keratosis was also published. The guidelines are available at www.awmf.org and www.euroderm.org.
机译:指南是针对特定医疗条件而系统开发的决策辅助工具。德国皮肤病学会与德国皮肤科医生专业协会共同领导了德国皮肤病学指南的制定。除了国家准则之外,还存在欧洲和国际准则。 2014年和2015年,德国针对以下主题制定了新的指南或更新指南:皮肤幼虫移行,皮肤外科手术中的抗凝,寻常性天疱疮和大疱性类天疱疮,莫氏手术,肛门发育不良和HIV感染患者的肛门癌。关于寻常型牛皮癣和手部湿疹的欧洲指南已更新。还发布了有关光化性角化病的国际指南。该准则可从www.awmf.org和www.euroderm.org获得。



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