首页> 外文期刊>Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift >Psychological and psychoanalytical issues in Schreker’s opera “Die Gezeichneten” [Psychologische und psychoanalytische Grundlagen in Schrekers Musikdrama ?Die Gezeichneten“]

Psychological and psychoanalytical issues in Schreker’s opera “Die Gezeichneten” [Psychologische und psychoanalytische Grundlagen in Schrekers Musikdrama ?Die Gezeichneten“]


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Franz Schrekers opera “Die Gezeichneten” is the artistically answer to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. The proceedings in this drama discuss some principles of psychoanalyses. The figures show typical psychological mechanisms like repression, sublimation or regression and also the typical symptoms of neurosis. During the date of origin of the opera, Freud’s method of psychoanalysis becomes well known and a lot of physicians and psychologists begin with their education in it. Themes like the theory of sexuality by Freud were discussed in the Vienna society. The story contains all mechanisms of psychoanalysis and discloses the psychopathology of the society of “fín de siègle” on the end of the 19th century. Franz Schreker’s opera is like a forecasting of the nemesis, which in Europe occurs two decades later. The figures of the opera show the central facts of psychoanalysis and their artificial expression in music and performance.
机译:弗朗茨·史瑞克(Franz Schrekers)的歌剧《死亡之门》(Die Gezeichneten)是对西格蒙德·弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)精神分析的艺术回答。这部戏中的诉讼讨论了心理分析的一些原则。这些图显示了典型的心理机制,如压抑,升华或消退,以及神经症的典型症状。在歌剧诞生之日,弗洛伊德的心理分析方法就广为人知,许多医生和心理学家开始接受其中的教育。维也纳社会讨论了诸如弗洛伊德的性理论之类的主题。这个故事包含了精神分析的所有机制,并揭示了19世纪末“fíndesiègle”社会的精神病理学。弗朗兹·施雷克(Franz Schreker)的歌剧就像对克星的预言一样,在欧洲发生了二十年。歌剧人物展示了精神分析的核心事实,以及它们在音乐和表演中的人工表现。



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