首页> 外文期刊>Vaccine >Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine in preventing hospitalization due to rotavirus gastroenteritis in young children in Connecticut, USA

Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine in preventing hospitalization due to rotavirus gastroenteritis in young children in Connecticut, USA


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Rotavirus vaccine was recommended for use in US infants to prevent rotavirus gastroenteritis (RGE) in February 2006. This matched case control study assessed the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine in preventing hospitalization of young. Cases were vaccine-eligible children 8 weeks-3 years of age, hospitalized due to laboratory-confirmed RGE. Cases (n = 42) were matched to 2 control groups: (a) hospitalized controls (n = 80): children hospitalized for reasons other than RGE, matched to the cases by age and time of presentation and (b) community controls (n = 73): non-hospitalized children matched by age and medical practice. Adjusted vaccine effectiveness against hospitalization with RGE in vaccine eligible children receiving at least one dose of vaccine was 94.3% (95% CI.: 55.4%-99.3%; p = 0.006) for hospitalized controls and 96.9% (95% CI.: 59.4%-99.8%; p = 0.008) for community controls
机译:2006年2月,轮状病毒疫苗被推荐用于美国婴儿,以预防轮状病毒肠胃炎(RGE)。该病例对照研究评估了轮状病毒疫苗在预防年轻儿童住院方面的有效性。病例为8周至3岁的疫苗合格儿童,由于实验室确认的RGE而入院。病例(n = 42)与两个对照组匹配:(a)住院对照组(n = 80):因RGE以外的原因住院的儿童,与就诊年龄和时间相匹配的病例以及(b)社区对照(n = 73):按年龄和医疗习惯配对的非住院儿童。对于接受过至少一剂疫苗的合格疫苗接种的儿童,针对住院对照的调整后疫苗对RGE住院的有效性为94.3%(95%CI .: 55.4%-99.3%; p = 0.006)和96.9%(95%CI .: 59.4) %-99.8%; p = 0.008)(针对社区控制)



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