首页> 外文期刊>Zuckerindustrie >Three sugar silos and three structural challenges: Report on silo projects contracted to IPRO Industrieprojekt GmbH in recent years

Three sugar silos and three structural challenges: Report on silo projects contracted to IPRO Industrieprojekt GmbH in recent years

机译:三个糖料仓和三个结构性挑战:近年来与IPRO Industrieprojekt GmbH签订合同的料仓项目的报告

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Since the turn of the millennium, IPRO Industrieprojekt GmbH has designed nine white-sugar silos, including all four 80,000 t silos in Germany. IPRO's activities also extend to consulting services for the improvement of existing silos. This article reports on recent projects in 2012/13: the rehabilitation of a double-chamber silo and the construction of two new 80,000 t silos.
机译:自千年之交以来,IPRO Industrieprojekt GmbH已设计了9个白糖料仓,包括德国的所有4万吨80,000吨料仓。 IPRO的活动还扩展到咨询服务,以改善现有的筒仓。本文报道了2012/13年的最新项目:修复一个双室筒仓和建造两个新的80,000吨筒仓。



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