首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Arznei- und Gewurzpflanzen >Effect of potassium with or without micronutrients on plant growth and alkaloid content in deadly nightshade (Atropa bella donna L.).: Part 2: Alkaloid content (hyoscyamine, scopolamine and atropine) [Auswirkung von Kalium mit oder ohne Mikron?hrstoffe auf das Pflanzenwachstum und den Alkaloidgehalt von Tollkirsche (Atropa bella-donna L.).: Teil 2: Alkaloidgehalt (Hyoscyamin, Scopolamin und Atropin)]

Effect of potassium with or without micronutrients on plant growth and alkaloid content in deadly nightshade (Atropa bella donna L.).: Part 2: Alkaloid content (hyoscyamine, scopolamine and atropine) [Auswirkung von Kalium mit oder ohne Mikron?hrstoffe auf das Pflanzenwachstum und den Alkaloidgehalt von Tollkirsche (Atropa bella-donna L.).: Teil 2: Alkaloidgehalt (Hyoscyamin, Scopolamin und Atropin)]

机译:含或不含微量营养素的钾对致命茄属植物(Atropa bella donna L.)中植物生长和生物碱含量的影响。:第2部分:生物碱含量(hy胺,东pol碱和阿托品)[含或不含微量营养素的钾对植物生长的影响和致命的茄属植物(Atropa bella-donna L.)的生物碱含量。:第2部分:生物碱含量(hy胺,东pol碱和阿托品)

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The study deals with the optimization of the foliar application of potassium with or without boron, cobalt and manganese with respect to the tropane alkaloid content of deadly nightshade (Atropa bella-donna L.). The results showed that the foliar addition of potassium decreased the concentration of all tropane alkaloids significantly whereas the application of 25 mg L ~(-1) manganese led to a total alkaloid content of 1.52% in the aerial parts as well as the roots of the plant. Under these conditions, the highest hyoscyamine content (1.30% and 1.32%), scopolamine content (0.16% and 0.04%) and atropine content (0.06% and 0.16%) was obtained in the aerial parts and roots, respectively. The untreated plants serving as control showed the lowest alkaloid content of 0.96% in the aerial parts as well as in the roots. The highest alkaloid yield of 1.80 g plant~(-1) was found in deadly nightshade plants sprayed with manganese at a concentration of 25 mg L~(-1). Looking at the interactions of the nutrients, the addition of 25 and 50 mg L~(-1) manganese without potassium resulted in the highest content of total alkaloids (1.68% and 1.69%) in the aerial parts and 1.70% and 1.72% in the roots, respectively. The highest total alkaloid yield of 2.03 g plant ~(-1) (sum of aerial parts and roots) was found when potassium at 1 000 mg L~(-1) plus manganese at 50 mg L~(-1) was applied.
机译:该研究针对致命性茄属植物(Atropa bella-donna L.)的烷烃生物碱含量,对有或无硼,钴和锰的钾叶面施用的优化进行了研究。结果表明,叶面钾的添加显着降低了所有托烷生物碱的浓度,而施用25 mg L〜(-1)锰则导致地上部分和根部总生物碱含量为1.52%。厂。在这些条件下,在地上部分和根部分别获得最高的hyscycyamine含量(1.30%和1.32%),东pol碱含量(0.16%和0.04%)和阿托品含量(0.06%和0.16%)。未经处理的植物作为对照,在地上部分和根部的生物碱含量最低,为0.96%。在喷洒浓度为25 mg L〜(-1)的锰的致命茄属植物中发现最高的生物碱产量为1.80 g plant〜(-1)。从养分的相互作用来看,添加25和50 mg L〜(-1)不含钾的锰导致地上部分总生物碱含量最高(1.68%和1.69%),而在地上部分则为1.70%和1.72%。根。当施用1000 mg L〜(-1)的钾和50 mg L〜(-1)的锰时,最高总生物碱产量为2.03 g植物〜(-1)(地上部分和根部总和)。



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