首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >The new threat to Italian inland waters from the alien crayfish 'gang': the Australian Cherax destructor Clark, 1936.

The new threat to Italian inland waters from the alien crayfish 'gang': the Australian Cherax destructor Clark, 1936.


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Biological invasions inflict damage to the ecology, economy, and human health, and pose serious threats to the native communities. Among the many invasive taxa, crayfish have attracted much attention by scientists and policy makers. Recently, an established population of an alien species of crayfish, new for Italy, was found in the Natural Preserve of "Laghi di Ninfa" (central Italy). Based on morphological and genetic evidence (molecular barcoding of COI and 16S rDNA), we classified it at subspecies level as the Parastacidae Cherax destructor destructor, native to Australia. Its introduction possibly occurred at the end of the 1980s but the species seems to be still confined in the preserve. The low temperature of the adjacent waters may be a barrier against its natural spreading but not against its intentional translocation into natural waters by man. Because of the invasive history of C. destructor, eradication of this population is urgent and still economically profitable.
机译:生物入侵对生态,经济和人类健康造成损害,并对土著社区构成严重威胁。在许多侵入性分类群中,小龙虾引起了科学家和决策者的极大关注。最近,在“ Laghi di Ninfa”(意大利中部)的自然保护区中发现了一批定居于意大利的小龙虾外来物种。根据形态学和遗传学证据( COI 和 16S rDNA 的分子条形码),我们将其在亚种水平上归为寄生虫科 Cherax破坏者破坏者,原产于澳大利亚。它的引入可能发生在1980年代末,但该物种似乎仍被限制在保护区内。邻近水域的低温可能是阻止其自然扩散的屏障,但不能阻止人类有意向自然界迁移。由于C的侵袭史。破坏者,迫切需要消除这一人口,并且仍然在经济上有利可图。



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