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Self-organizing maps in revealing variation in non-obligatory riverine fish in long-term data


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Sensitiveness to the overall influence of the river channel regulation, impoundment and pollution was studied for 12 non-obligatory riverine (NOR) fish species in the Warta River, Poland, over the period of 1963-1998. Their total abundance has not considerably changed unlike the structure of their aggregation, which was revealed by a self-organizing map (SOM, Kohonen unsupervised artificial neural network) almost perfectly separating 1960s samples from 1990s ones. The greatest changes in proportion were recorded for the dominant roach Rutilus rutilus (from 28.6 to 60.0%), perch Perca fluviatilis (1.9 to 9.5%), pike Esox lucius (2.9 to 4.9%), and the former codominant bleak Alburbus alburnus (22.9 to 1.8%). They resulted from highly significant (p < 0.001), reaching even one order of magnitude, differences in the abundance of these species. Such remarkable alternations in dominant NOR ichthyofauna obviously influenced the whole fish assemblage structure, which was best illustrated by a clear vertical gradient over SOM in Simpson and Shannon indices. Thus, NOR species, both studied together and separately, can supply valuable information on the fish assemblage dynamics and should not be neglected in temporal analyses, often focused only on vulnerable obligatory riverine, migratory and/or endemic species.
机译:在1963-1998年期间,对波兰瓦尔塔河的12种非强制性河沿鱼类(NOR)鱼类对河道调节,蓄水和污染的总体影响的敏感性进行了研究。它们的总丰度没有像其聚合结构那样发生很大变化,这是通过自组织映射图(SOM,Kohonen无监督人工神经网络)揭示的,该映射几乎完美地将1960年代的样本与1990年代的样本区分开。比例最大的变化是占优势的蟑螂Rutilus rut​​ilus(从28.6%到60.0%),鲈鱼Perca fluviatilis(1.9%到9.5%),Pike Esox lucius(2.9%到4.9%)和前主要的暗淡的Alburbus alburnus(22.9%)至1.8%)。它们是由高度显着(p <0.001)导致的,甚至达到了一个数量级,这些物种的丰度差异。显着的NOR鱼鳞鱼的这种显着变化显然影响了整个鱼的组合结构,这可以通过辛普森指数和香农指数中SOM上清晰的垂直梯度来很好地说明。因此,无论是一起研究还是单独研究的NOR物种,都可以提供有关鱼类种群动态的有价值的信息,并且在时态分析中不应忽略,它们通常只关注易受攻击的必需河流,mi游和/或特有物种。



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