首页> 外文期刊>Human Reproduction >Long-term outcome in couples with unexplained subfertility and an intermediate prognosis initially randomized between expectant management and immediate treatment

Long-term outcome in couples with unexplained subfertility and an intermediate prognosis initially randomized between expectant management and immediate treatment


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BACKGROUND: We recently reported that treatment with intrauterine insemination and controlled ovarian stimulation (IUI-COS) did not increase ongoing pregnancy rates compared with expectant management (EM) in couples with unexplained subfertility and intermediate prognosis of natural conception. Long-term cost-effectiveness of a policy of initial EM is unknown. We investigated whether the recommendation not to treat during the first 6 months is valid, regarding the long-term effectiveness and cumulative costs. METHODS: Couples with unexplained subfertility and intermediate prognosis of natural conception (n = 253, at 26 public clinics, the Netherlands) were randomly allocated to 6 months EM or immediate start with IUI-COS. The couples were then treated according to local protocol, usually IUI-COS followed by IVF. We followed couples until 3 years after randomization and registered pregnancies and resources used. Primary outcome was time to ongoing pregnancy. Secondary outcome was treatment costs. Analysis was by intention-to-treat. Economic evaluation was performed from the perspective of the health care institution. RESULTS: Time to ongoing pregnancy did not differ between groups (log-rank test P = 0.98). Cumulative ongoing pregnancy rates were 72-73% for EM and IUI-COS groups, respectively [relative risk 0.99 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85-1.1)]. Estimated mean costs per couple were ?3424 (95% CI ?880-?5968) in the EM group and ?6040 (95% CI ?4055-?8125) in the IUI-COS group resulting in an estimated saving of ?2616 per couple (95% CI ?385-?4847) in favour of EM. CONCLUSIONS: In couples with unexplained subfertility and an intermediate prognosis of natural conception, initial EM for 6 months results in a considerable cost-saving with no delay in achieving pregnancy or jeopardizing the chance of pregnancy. Further comparisons between aggressive and milder forms of ovarian stimulation should be performed.
机译:背景:我们最近报道说,对于无法解释的低生育力和自然受孕中期预后的夫妇,与预期管理(EM)相比,宫腔内人工授精和控制性卵巢刺激(IUI-COS)治疗不会增加正在进行的妊娠率。初始EM策略的长期成本效益未知。我们就长期有效性和累积成本而言,调查了在头6个月内不予治疗的建议是否有效。方法:将具有无法解释的生育力和自然受孕的中间预后的夫妇(n = 253,在荷兰的26家公共诊所)随机分配为6个月EM或立即开始IUI-COS。然后根据当地协议对夫妇进行治疗,通常是IUI-COS,然后是IVF。我们追踪了夫妇直到随机分组后的3年,并记录了怀孕和使用的资源。主要结果是持续妊娠的时间。次要结果是治疗费用。分析是按意向性进行的。从卫生保健机构的角度进行了经济评估。结果:两组之间持续妊娠的时间无差异(对数秩检验P = 0.98)。 EM和IUI-COS组的持续妊娠累计发生率分别为72-73%[相对风险0.99(95%置信区间(CI)0.85-1.1)]。 EM组每对夫妇的估计平均成本为3424欧元(95%CI 880-5968),IUI-COS组为6040欧元(95%CI 4055-8512),每人平均节省2616欧元。夫妇(95%CI?385-?4847)支持EM。结论:对于无法解释的低生育力和自然受孕的中间预后的夫妇,初始EM治疗6个月可节省大量成本,并且不会延迟怀孕或危及怀孕的机会。应在侵略性和轻度形式的卵巢刺激之间进行进一步比较。



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