首页> 外文期刊>Hypertension: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Medullary thick ascending limb buffer vasoconstriction of renal outer-medullary vasa recta in salt-resistant but not salt-sensitive rats

Medullary thick ascending limb buffer vasoconstriction of renal outer-medullary vasa recta in salt-resistant but not salt-sensitive rats


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We have demonstrated previously that paracrine signaling occurs between medullary thick ascending limb (mTAL) and the contractile pericytes of outer-medullary vasa recta (VR), termed "tubular-vascular cross-talk." The aim of the current study was to determine whether tubular-vascular cross-talk has a functional effect on vasoconstrictor responses to angiotensin II and to determine whether this is altered in the Dahl salt-sensitive (SS) rat. Studies were performed on salt-resistant consomic SS.13 Brown Norway (BN) and SS rats using a novel outer medullary tissue strip preparation in which freshly isolated VRs within VR bundles were perfused either alone or in combination with nearby mTAL. In VRs from SS.13 rats, angiotensin II (1 μmol/L) increased VR bundle intracellular Ca concentration 19 ± 9 nmol/L (n=8) and reduced focal diameter in perfused VRs by -20 ± 7% (n=5). In the presence of nearby mTAL, however, VR bundle intracellular Ca concentration (-9 ± 8 nmol/L; n=8) and VR diameter (-1 ± 4%, n=7) in SS.13 rats were unchanged by angiotensin II. In contrast, in Dahl SS rats, angiotensin II resulted in rapid and sustained increase in VR bundle intracellular Ca concentration (89 ± 48 nmol/L, n=7; 50 ± 24%, n=8) and a reduction in VR diameter of (-17 ± 7%, n=7; -11 ± 4%, n=5) in both isolated VRs and VRs with nearby mTAL, respectively. In VRs with mTAL from SS13 rats, inhibiton of purinergic receptors resulted in an increase in VR bundle intracellular Ca concentration, indicating that purinergic signaling buffers vasoconstriction. Importantly, our in vitro data were able to predict medullary blood flow responses to angiotensin II in SS and SS.13 rats in vivo. We conclude that paracrine signaling from mTAL buffers angiotensin II vasoconstriction in Dahl salt-resistant SS.13 rats but not SS rats.
机译:先前我们已经证明,旁分泌信号发生在髓质粗大上升肢(mTAL)与髓外血管直肠(VR)的收缩性周细胞之间,称为“肾小管-血管交叉交谈”。当前研究的目的是确定管状血管串扰是否对血管收缩素对血管紧张素II的反应具有功能性作用,并确定这是否在Dahl盐敏感性(SS)大鼠中改变。使用新型外延髓组织剥离制剂对耐盐的SS.13挪威褐(BN)和SS大鼠进行了研究,其中单独或与附近的mTAL组合灌注了VR束中新鲜分离的VR。在来自SS.13大鼠的VR中,血管紧张素II(1μmol/ L)使VR束细胞内Ca浓度增加19±9 nmol / L(n = 8),并使灌注VR中的焦距减小-20±7%(n = 5) )。然而,在附近存在mTAL的情况下,血管紧张素使SS.13大鼠VR束细胞内Ca浓度(-9±8 nmol / L; n = 8)和VR直径(-1±4%,n = 7)不变。二。相比之下,在Dahl SS大鼠中,血管紧张素II导致VR束细胞内Ca浓度持续快速增加(89±48 nmol / L,n = 7; 50±24%,n = 8),VR直径减小了。在孤立的VR和具有附近mTAL的VR中分别为(-17±7%,n = 7; -11±4%,n = 5)。在具有来自SS13大鼠的mTAL的VR中,嘌呤能受体的抑制作用导致VR束细胞内Ca浓度增加,表明嘌呤能信号传导可缓冲血管收缩。重要的是,我们的体外数据能够预测体内SS和SS.13大鼠对血管紧张素II的髓样血流反应。我们得出的结论是,来自mTAL的旁分泌信号在Dahl耐盐SS.13大鼠而非SS大鼠中缓冲血管紧张素II血管收缩。



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