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The Potential of Strip Tillage and Rowcovers for Organic Cucurbit Production


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Plasticulture systems, the use of polyethylene mulch on raised beds with drip irrigation, are commonly used for the production of many cucurbit (Cucur-bitaceae) crops. Although the use of plasticulture systems has many benefits, disadvantages include plastic disposal issues and costs and the intensive tillage required for installation. Strip tillage systems have been shown to decrease soil erosion, increase soil moisture retention, and increase soil microbial communities. Spunbonded polyethylene rowcover use has been shown to decrease early season striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum) and spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) populations and the incidence of bacterial wilt (Erwinia tracheiphila) while increasing yields. Plasticulture and strip tillage systems were compared with and without rowcovers at The Pennsylvania State University's Russell E. Larson Research and Education Center in Rock Springs, PA. Two separate organically managed experiments were conducted, one being on 'Lioness' summer squash (SS; Cucurbita pepo), the other on 'Athena' muskmelon (MM; Cucumis melo). Both two-season experiments occurred during the 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. Yields, soil nitrate levels, soil and air temperatures, striped cucumber beetle populations, and incidence of bacterial wilt were measured. Plants grown in the strip tillage system generally had lower yields than in the plasticulture system in both years. Yield reductions observed in the strip tillage system in both years of the muskmelon experiment and in the first year of the summer squash experiment were beyond acceptable levels. The need for specialized tillage equipment, delayed planting, and high weed pressure were all obstacles to the successful use of strip tillage in these experiments. Rowcovers resulted in larger plants; however, yields were comparable to not using rowcovers within the strip tillage and plasticulture systems. There was low incidence of bacterial wilt in both years of the experiments despite observed striped cucumber beetle populations above the set threshold throughout all experiments.
机译:塑性耕作系统,即在滴灌的高床上使用聚乙烯覆盖物,通常用于生产许多葫芦科(葫芦科)。尽管使用塑料种植系统有很多好处,但缺点包括塑料处理问题和成本,以及安装所需的大量耕作。耕地耕作系统已显示出可减少土壤侵蚀,增加土壤水分保持力和增加土壤微生物群落。纺粘聚乙烯行囊覆盖物的使用已显示出可以减少早季条纹黄瓜甲虫(Acalymma vittatum)和斑点黄瓜甲虫(Diabrotica undecimpunctata)种群,并减少细菌枯萎(Erwinia tracheiphila)的发生,同时提高产量。在宾夕法尼亚州罗克斯普林斯的宾夕法尼亚州立大学的拉塞尔·拉尔森研究与教育中心,比较了有和没有行覆盖物的可塑耕作法和条耕法。进行了两个单独的有机管理实验,一个是对“雌狮”西葫芦(SS;西葫芦),另一个是对“雅典娜”香瓜(MM;黄瓜)。这两个季节的实验都发生在2013年和2014年的生长季节。测量了产量,土壤硝酸盐水平,土壤和空气温度,条纹黄瓜甲虫种群以及细菌枯萎的发生率。在这两个年份中,在条形耕作系统中生长的植物的单产通常都低于在塑耕系统中。在香瓜试验的两个年份和西葫芦试验的第一年,在条带耕作系统中观察到的减产都超过了可接受的水平。在这些实验中,需要专门的耕作设备,播种延迟和高杂草压力都阻碍了条带耕作的成功使用。行盖导致了更大的植物;但是,其产量与在条带耕作和整形培养系统中不使用行间覆盖物相当。尽管在所有实验中都观察到条纹黄瓜甲虫种群超过设定的阈值,但在这两年的实验中细菌性青枯病的发生率均较低。



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