首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Potential of Honeybee Brood Pheromone to Enhance Foraging and Yield in Hybrid Carrot Seed

Potential of Honeybee Brood Pheromone to Enhance Foraging and Yield in Hybrid Carrot Seed


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Honeybee (Apis mellifera) brood pheromone is a blend of 10 fatty acid esters that stimulates worker pollen foraging, protein biosynthesis in the brood food producing glands of nurse bees and queen oviposition. In separate experiments conducted in central Oregon, we tested the hypotheses that treatment of honeybee colonies with brood pheromone would stimulate increased bee foraging in hybrid carrot (Daucus carota) seed fields, and that in turn would result in increased seed yield. For both experiments, in each replicate, all honeybee colonies placed at one field were treated with brood pheromone, and those in a control field were not treated with brood pheromone. A total of 123,720 bee visits to flowers was recorded. For both sexes of flower, there were significantly more bee visits in fields in which colonies were treated with brood pheromone than in control fields (P < 0.05). There was also a significant preference for male flowers over female flowers (P < 0.05) by bees in the fields where colonies received brood pheromone when compared with control fields. Mean yields in fields pollinated by colonies treated with brood pheromone and those that were not treated with brood pheromone were 325.2 and 280.8 kg.ha(-1), respectively. Mean percentage yield was significantly higher in fields where honeybee colonies received brood pheromone when compared with control fields that had colonies without brood pheromone (P < 0.01). Our results suggest that brood pheromone has the potential to increase honeybee foraging and seed yield in hybrid carrot seed crop.
机译:蜜蜂(Apis mellifera)育苗信息素是10种脂肪酸酯的混合物,可刺激工人的花粉觅食,育成哺乳类蜜蜂的产卵腺中的蛋白质生物合成和女王产卵。在俄勒冈州中部进行的另一项实验中,我们检验了以下假设:用亲代信息素处理蜜蜂菌落会刺激杂种胡萝卜(胡萝卜)种子田中蜜蜂觅食的增加,进而导致种子产量增加。对于这两个实验,在每个重复实验中,均用育苗信息素处理位于一个田地的所有蜜蜂菌落,而未使用育苗信息素处理对照田地的所有蜜蜂菌落。记录了总共123,720的蜜蜂访花。对于两种性别的花,用亲生信息素处理过菌落的田地中的蜂访次数明显多于对照田(P <0.05)。与对照田相比,在菌落接受育苗信息素的田地,蜜蜂对雄花的雌花也有明显的偏爱(P <0.05)。用亲生信息素处理过的菌落和未经亲生信息素处理过的菌落授粉的田间平均产量分别为325.2和280.8 kg.ha(-1)。与没有菌落信息素的对照组相比,蜜蜂菌落接受了激素信息素的田间的平均百分率显着更高(P <0.01)。我们的结果表明,育苗信息素具有增加杂交胡萝卜种子作物中蜜蜂觅食和种子产量的潜力。



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