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Survival strategies


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Building output has fallen for the fifth quarter in a row, the Office for National Statistics has reported. Output for the third quarter fell by 2.6 per cent on the previous three months, a shrinkage of about £lbn a month over the past six months. The bad news rumbles on, with analysts insisting the construction industry has been declining much faster than previously thought in past quarters. Put starkly, the total volume of construction output in the third quarter is the lowest since 1999. None ofthis will be any surprise to landscapers operating in the commercial sector experiencing continued downward pressure on prices as firms compete harder for fewer contracts. Nor will it be any surprise to those working in the domestic market where the ranks of competitors have been swelled thanks to the squeeze on commercial jobs. Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) chair Mark Gregory recently described the market as "very volatile". He told HW (26 October): "It's a buyers' market — pricing isaggressive and everything is price-driven. There is plenty of top-end work, but the bottom end of the market is in the doldrums."
机译:国家统计局报告,建筑产量连续第五个季度下降。第三季度的产出比前三个月下降了2.6%,过去六个月每月减少了约1英镑。坏消息传来,分析师坚持认为建筑业的衰退速度比过去几个季度的预期要快得多。简而言之,第三季度的建筑总产量是自1999年以来的最低水平。对于商业领域的园丁来说,由于公司为争夺更少的合同而进行更激烈的竞争,它们承受着价格不断下降的压力,这不足为奇。对于那些在国内市场上工作的人来说,这也不足为奇,因为由于商业职位的紧缩,竞争者的数量已经激增。专业景观设计师协会(APL)主席Mark Gregory最近将市场描述为“非常不稳定”。他在10月26日告诉HW:“这是一个买方市场-价格具有侵略性,一切都是由价格驱动的。有很多高端产品,但市场低端处于低迷状态。”



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