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The Lore and Mythology of Reptiles and Amphibians: It's Not Shakespeare's Fault!


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Shakespeare may have influenced some of the title but we can’t solely blame him for the attitudes towards reptiles and amphibians. In Eye of Newt, Marty Crump takes the reader on an intriguing cultural journey to explore the myth (in the traditional sense of stories that attempt to explain reality), folktale, and folk belief regarding the often-maligned, and certainly misunderstood, reptiles and amphibians. Reptiles and amphibians are under-rated yet fascinating groups, but what shapes our responses to snakes, frogs, lizards, and their ilk? Eye of Newt stimulates questions such as: why do we so often characterise snakes as evil or vigilant, frogs as good, and lizards as cunning; what cultural links shape the characteristic identity of a group or species; and, more importantly, what do these characteristics really mean for a species – will it be persecuted or protected? Certainly I have been acutely aware of a bias, mostly taking the form of disdain, in my many years as a Curator of Lower Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Even the job title marks the historical, Linnaean attitude towards this fascinating group. Crump leaves us in no doubt how much reptile and amphibian folklore permeates the public consciousness. Eye of Newt is a welcome insight into the psyche that filters our collective thoughts and reactions towards these two important taxa.
机译:莎士比亚也许影响了一些头衔,但我们不能仅仅因为对爬行动物和两栖动物的态度而怪罪于他。在《纽特之眼》中,马蒂·克兰普(Marty Crump)带领读者进行了一次有趣的文化之旅,探索了关于神话(关于试图解释现实的传统故事),民间故事和民间信仰,这些故事是关于经常受到伤害并且肯定被误解的爬行动物和两栖动物。爬行动物和两栖动物是被低估但引人入胜的群体,但是是什么塑造了我们对蛇,青蛙,蜥蜴及其同类的反应? New之眼引发了一些问题,例如:为什么我们经常将蛇描述为邪恶或警惕,为什么将青蛙描述为善,将蜥蜴描述为狡猾?哪些文化联系塑造着一个群体或物种的特征特性;而且,更重要的是,这些特征对一个物种真正意味着什么–它会受到迫害还是受到保护?当然,在我担任下层脊椎动物和无脊椎动物馆长的许多年里,我已经敏锐地意识到了一种偏见,大部分是不屑一顾。甚至职位名称也标志着Linnaean对这个迷人群体的历史态度。毫无疑问,Crump让我们在公众意识中渗透了多少爬行动物和两栖动物的传说。 “ New之眼”是一种令人欢迎的洞察力,可以过滤我们对这两个重要分类群的集体思想和反应。



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