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Would Tarzan believe in God? Conditions for the emergence of religious belief


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Would someone raised without exposure to religious views nonetheless come to believe in the existence of God, an afterlife, and the intentional creation of humans and other animals? Many scholars wouid answer yes, proposing that universal cognitive biases generate religious ideas anew within each individual mind. Drawing on evidence from developmental psychology, we argue here that the answer is no: children lack spontaneous theistic views and the emergence of religion is crucially dependent on culture. Would an individual never exposed to religious ideas -such as Edgar Rice Burrough's character, Tarzan, who was raised by apes after his first birthday - nonetheless come to believe in God, an afterlife, and the divine creation of humans and other creatures? That is, do core religious beliefs emerge spontaneously in the course of development, even in the absence of cultural support? If one classifies religion as yet another cultural invention, akin to agriculture or writing, the answer to these questions is plainly no.
机译:仍然长大而未接触宗教观点的人会不会相信上帝的存在,来世以及人类和其他动物的有意创造?许多学者会回答“是”,并提出普遍的认知偏差会在每个人的思想中重新产生宗教观念。根据发展心理学的证据,我们在这里认为答案是否定的:儿童缺乏自发的有神论观点,宗教的出现至关重要地取决于文化。难道没有一个人会暴露于宗教观念(例如埃德加·赖斯·伯拉(Edgar Rice Burrough)的角色塔赞(Tarzan),在他的第一个生日后由猿长大),但他仍然会相信上帝,来世以及人类和其他生物的神圣创造吗?也就是说,即使在没有文化支持的情况下,核心宗教信仰是否在发展过程中自发出现?如果一个人将宗教归类为又一种文化发明,类似于农业或写作,那么对这些问题的答案显然不是。



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