首页> 外文期刊>HNO >I can hear you, but I don't understand you. Why is it so important to perceive high frequencies? [Ich h?re die worte, aber ich verstehe sie nicht. Folgen des hochfrequenzverlusts]

I can hear you, but I don't understand you. Why is it so important to perceive high frequencies? [Ich h?re die worte, aber ich verstehe sie nicht. Folgen des hochfrequenzverlusts]

机译:我能听到你的声音,但我听不懂你的声音。为什么感知高频如此重要? [我听到了这些字,但我听不懂。高频损耗的后果]

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The word personality is derived from the Latin word "persona" (mask, person); "per sona" means "by the sound or through the sound". In order to look through speech, to hear "behind the mask of a person", we have to be able to hear properly. Especially the frequencies between 2 kHz and 5 kHz and the overtones (the higher we can perceive them, the better) play a central role for decoding vowels, consonants and effects of emotions in voice and speech; beyond that they provide the perfect enjoyment of music and sound. Obviously they are also a vital physical necessity. High frequencies stimulate, they provoke attentiveness and concentration. The activity level of the reticular formation is affected by the influent of the sensory organs with a crucial role by the hearing sense. Hearing in high frequencies leads to higher metabolism, to better motility, to an activation of the gamma nervous system and to a better transfer of information.
机译:人格一词源自拉丁语“ persona”(面具,人); “每声纳”的意思是“通过声音或通过声音”。为了浏览语音,听到“一个人的面具后面”,我们必须能够正确听到。尤其是2 kHz到5 kHz之间的频率和泛音(我们可以感知的越高,越好)在解码元音,辅音和语音中的情绪影响方面起着核心作用;除此之外,它们还提供音乐和声音的完美享受。显然,它们也是至关重要的身体必需品。高频刺激,激发了注意力和注意力。网状结构的活动水平受感觉器官的进水影响,而听觉对感觉器官起关键作用。高频听力会导致更高的新陈代谢,更好的运动能力,伽玛神经系统的激活以及更好的信息传递。



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