首页> 外文期刊>Heredity: An International Journal of Genetics >Genetic rescue in interconnected populations of small and large size of the self-incompatible Ranunculus reptans

Genetic rescue in interconnected populations of small and large size of the self-incompatible Ranunculus reptans


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Small populations of our study species Ranunculus reptans have reduced fitness because of inbreeding, genetic load, and reduced mate availability; that is, they suffer from a three- fold genetic Allee effect. Here, we investigate how the effect of interpopulation outbreeding on offspring fitness depends on population size. We performed within- and between- population crosses with plants originating from 15 populations, and measured offspring performance in a common environment. Interpopulation outbreeding led to an increase in population means of clonal performance, which was defined as the number of rooted offspring rosettes produced per maternal ovule. This fitness gain mainly occurred at the life stage of seed set. It was especially pronounced for populations with a long- term history of small size inferred from their low genetic diversity, estimated from eight allozyme loci. We conclude that in a self- incompatible plant such as R. reptans, interpopulation outbreeding can lead to an immediate genetic rescue effect due to increased cross- compatibility and heterosis, and that this rescue effect is increased as population size decreases.
机译:由于近亲繁殖,遗传负荷和配偶减少,我们的研究物种毛an毛稀少种群适应性降低。也就是说,他们遭受了三倍的基因Allee效应。在这里,我们调查了种群间近交对后代适应度的影响如何取决于种群数量。我们与来自15个种群的植物进行了种群内和种群间杂交,并测量了在常见环境中的后代表现。种群间的近交导致克隆表现的种群平均值增加,其定义为每个母体胚珠产生的有根子代莲座丛的数量。这种适应性增益主要发生在结实的生命阶段。根据从8个同工酶基因座估计的低遗传多样性推断出的长期小规模种群,这一点尤其明显。我们得出的结论是,在一种自我不相容的植物中,例如雷普氏菌(R. reptans),种群间的近交会由于交叉相容性和杂种优势的增强而导致立即的基因拯救作用,并且随着种群数量的减少,这种拯救作用也会增加。



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