首页> 外文期刊>Health Physics: Official Journal of the Health Physics Society >Radiation risk of malignant neoplasms in organs of main deposition for plutonium in the cohort of mayak workers with regard to histological types

Radiation risk of malignant neoplasms in organs of main deposition for plutonium in the cohort of mayak workers with regard to histological types


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This paper presents the results of analyses of the incidence of malignant neoplasms in lung, liver, and bone and associated connective tissues among Mayak nuclear workers exposed to both internally incorporated plutonium and to external gamma radiation. The study cohort included 22,373 individuals employed at the reactors and radiochemical and plutonium production facilities of the Mayak nuclear complex during 1948-1982 and followed up to the end of 2004. All analyses were carried out by Poisson regression, and the doses used were derived using a recently available update of organ doses, Mayak doses-2008. There was clear evidence for the linear association between internal plutonium dose and the risk of lung cancer. For males, there was evidence of a significant internal plutonium dose response for all histological types of lung cancer evaluated (adenocarcinoma, squamous-cell, and other epithelial); the estimated excess relative risk (ERR)/Gy for adenocarcinoma was the largest (ERR/Gy = 32.5; 95% CI: 16.3; 71.9), about 11-fold higher than that for squamous-cell lung cancer (ERR/Gy = 3.1; 95% CI: 0.3; 9.1). The relationship between liver cancer risk and plutonium exposure was best described by a linear-quadratic (LQ) function, but the LQ effect was diminished after restricting internal doses <2 Gy. Hepatocellular cancer was the most frequently observed type of liver cancer associated with internal plutonium exposure, and hemangiosarcomas were exclusively observed only at high internal plutonium doses (>4 Gy). For malignant neoplasms of bone and associated connective tissues, the trend was not statistically significant in relation to internal plutonium dose, but a statistically significantly higher risk (RR=13.7; 95% CI= 3.0; 58.5) was found among unmonitored female plutonium workers who were employed in the most hazardous plutonium production facility commissioned prior to 1950.
机译:本文介绍了在内部,内部掺入and和外部伽玛射线照射下的玛雅克核工作人员中,肺,肝和骨以及相关结缔组织中恶性肿瘤发生率的分析结果。该研究队列包括在1948年至1982年期间,在Mayak核电站的反应堆以及放射化学和p生产设施中雇用的22,373个人,直到2004年年底。所有分析均通过Poisson回归进行,所用剂量通过器官剂量的最新可用更新,Mayak剂量-2008。有明确的证据表明内部internal剂量与肺癌风险之间存在线性关系。对于男性,有证据表明,对于评估的所有组织学类型的肺癌(腺癌,鳞状细胞和其他上皮细胞),internal的剂量响应均显着。腺癌的估计超额相对危险度(ERR)/ Gy最大(ERR / Gy = 32.5; 95%CI:16.3; 71.9),约比鳞状细胞肺癌高(ERR / Gy = 3.1) ; 95%CI:0.3; 9.1)。线性二次方(LQ)功能可以最好地描述肝癌风险与p暴露之间的关系,但在限制内部剂量<2 Gy后,LQ的作用减弱。肝细胞癌是最常观察到的与内部internal暴露相关的肝癌类型,仅在高内部internal剂量(> 4 Gy)下才能观察到血管肉瘤。对于骨及相关结缔组织的恶性肿瘤,与内部to剂量相关的趋势在统计学上无统计学意义,但在未经监测的女性p工作者中,其统计学风险显着较高(RR = 13.7; 95%CI = 3.0; 58.5)。在1950年之前投入使用的最危险的production生产设施中使用。



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